标题: ”小猫把雨伞递给乌龟
Rank: 5Rank: 5

UID 18180
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注册 2011-11-30
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发表于 2012-2-18 20:44  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

   一天,louboutin,小鸡、小鸭、青蛙、乌龟去小猫家过小猫的生日,abercrombie france。他们在生日会上又唱又跳,louboutin pas cher,玩得非常开心。                
  生日会结束了,chaussure supra,他们刚走出大门,casque beats,准备回家。突然天空中乌云密布,紧接着响起一阵震耳欲聋的雷声,豆大的雨滴开始从天而降,下大雨了!                 小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
  小猫害怕大伙淋湿,便开始找伞,结果找来找去只找到了一把伞。          小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
  小猫用眼睛看看小鸡,supra,他又看看青蛙,青蛙会意了,摇摇头说:“ 我在水里呆习惯,不用雨伞。”小猫把雨伞递给乌龟,louboutin,乌龟摆摆手说:“我已经有一把天然伞了-----龟壳。”小猫又把伞给了小鸭,小鸭说:“我毛上有一层油,不怕雨淋的,还是给小鸡吧!”小猫又把伞给了小鸡,louboutin pas cher,小鸡拿着伞说:”真的要谢谢你的雨伞,不然的话我非变成落汤鸡不可。”大伙儿开开心心地同小猫道别,各自回到自已的家去了,abercrombie。                
   天虽然还下着大雨,但这些好朋友的心是火热的,casque dr dre。                

studies have shown it neutralizes wrinkle and sun spot-spurring damage from the sun and helps generate new, healthy glowing skin cells. sweet potatoes are also packed with a slew of figure-friendly fiber and energizing b-vitamins -- all for just 43 cents a serving. bake them whole or mash them with a bit of milk.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

UID 18517
精华 0
积分 208
帖子 198
威望 208
艺术币 406
阅读权限 30
注册 2011-12-19
状态 离线
发表于 2012-2-20 16:58  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

陆也要结婚了!虽然是先办证后办事,burberry。这家伙永远都是这么急,burberry pas cher!哎,moncler。。。算算他和他的现任女友好像还不到半年吧,louboutin!现在我们所谓的“四人帮”就省下我一个人还是光棍一个咯,casque beats!哈哈哈,louboutin pas cher。。。。。。蛮有意思的,casque dr dre,黄嫁了个青岛老公,supra shoes,杨嫁了个上海老公,supra,陆马上又要娶一个河南的老婆!哈哈哈。。。。。。我说什么也要娶一个地地道道的无锡本地老婆,moncler!不然也太滑稽了!相关的主题文章:


this situation of this territory is suitable for a person, sat quietly, listening to the tv drama silent phonological handful of ear slowly intoxicated, intoxicated where the quiet of the night. everything is so far yet so near, no words, just put yourself in red, with the fleeting passage of the read slowly, so that all the moist air along with the memories of breath gently left in unfamiliar september. silently look back, look back to the quiet memory


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