标题: jimmy choo handbags outlet [News] Kanye West Claims People Look At Him “Like I
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发表于 2012-2-2 18:48  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 
jimmy choo handbags outlet [News] Kanye West Claims People Look At Him “Like I

“people look at me like i’m fucking insane, like i’m hitler. but one day, one day a light will shine through. and one day people will understand everything i ever did,ugg ブーツ キッズ, ever said, [...] for the sake of someone else,” he said. “for the sake of people. for the sake of new orleans, for the sake of honest music, for the sake of honest judgment.”
yeezy pops off about why he makes music and how one day listeners will understand his message. read more after the jump
at the beginning of his diatribe, he said that his music career is about acting out his teenage dreams in making quality music to change the world.
kanye west gave a signature rant at the end of his performance at u.k.’s the big chill festival,abercrombie & fitch shops, explaining that people look at him like “i’m fucking insane, like i’m hitler.” during the speech, he explained that one day, listeners will wake up and pay him the respect that he’s rightfully due.
“this is about inspiration, this is about dreams. all the money i had when i was in high school,ugg 口コミ, i put it back into working on music,” he said. “my dream was to be able to do this one day. so even to this day,jimmy choo handbags outlet, everything i have, i put back into this. ‘cause you can’t keep that when you’re gone, but your legacy will live on. and one day, one day your light will shine through. one day, the mask will be revealed and you’ll see the truth is coming from the people that the powers that be tried to kill.”

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发表于 2012-2-3 02:41  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

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see her again, regained the feeling that no words to describe. at that moment my heart in tears, but because of moving.


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