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时间:2011-05-26 来源:原创 作者:夜临心寂 阅读:加载中..   
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fish tried to jump out the water, jump to its dream of sky; birds constantly rushed off, to feel close to the water. Fish jumped again and again, but always in the tail has not left the sea to fall heavily, and once fell to the shore, is the high tide the water saved it; birds close to the sea again, but always in just hug sea ??water, they were delaying the wet feathers, it's friends to help it escape from danger time and time again.
fish do not want to give up, because it was blue sky and calling it; birds are reluctant to give up, because it felt the sea is its true home. Thus, fish and birds kept trying to close, but they are close to the dream in the process, closer to death.


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