标题: moncler channel 2011-09-05 14:32:36
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moncler channel 2011-09-05 14:32:36

2011-09-05 14:32:36.0Lin HanqingMore children "mailed by air"movie,chanel pas cher,unaccompanied children service,Guangdong,Shenzhen1811048920News2@usa/enpproperty-->

Guo Yongyi arrived at the Beijing Capital International Airport approximately 7:30 above a weekend morning.

As an unaccompanied child passenger,louis vuitton, she was required to arrive at the airport at least one hour and a half before her flight was set to take off for Shenzhen, Guangdong province.

The 11-year-old ambition wore a special small periodical sack around her cervix,piumini moncler,Shopping Deals, Online Coupons, Sales, Bargain Prices - Lycos Deals, which shows her label,lunettes ray forbid Sports/Olympics / Other Sports,moncler outlet, old,Gilet Moncler Lycos namely offering free send agai,moncler pas cher, and the address of the person who will pick her up at Shenzhen hangar. The sack also contains her ticket and ID card.

An escort was responsible to aid Guo via check-in,moncler soldes, security,piumino moncler, and boarding program. A flight attendant took attention of her during the cruise. After her flight landed in Shenzhen,sacs chanel, distinct airline hired helped Guo elect up her checked baggage and wait as parents to elect her up.

In the quondam few years, a growing digit of kid like Guo,burberry trench coat, among 5 to 12 years old,Gilet Moncler, have been "mailed by air" through unaccompanied kid service. Parents are increasingly caught up with go and lack the time needed to travel with their kid.

Many airlines attempt deducted tickets to children who are 12 years old and below. And the escort and guidance services provided along the airline staff are free of charge.

Related story: Flying solo

Photo gallary: Children "mailed by air"

Reporter: Guo Shuhan

Editor: Lin Hanqing

Videographer: Zhu Xingxin

Voiceover: Chris Clark

Producer: Flora Yue



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  谢谢你!我的好大哥,谢谢你! 上一篇:宿舍情怀     下一篇:开始懂了Related articles:

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