标题: 今天看到好玩的漫画,和同学们分享
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2008-8-12 17:25
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

超级女侠   巾帼帖勋章  
UID 6304
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发表于 2008-8-12 17:32  资料  个人空间  短消息  加为好友 
haha ,和发贴人有的一拼

Rank: 5Rank: 5

超级女侠   巾帼帖勋章  
UID 6304
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发表于 2008-8-12 17:33  资料  个人空间  短消息  加为好友 


Rank: 4

UID 6300
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

超级女侠   巾帼帖勋章  
UID 6304
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发表于 2008-8-12 17:40  资料  个人空间  短消息  加为好友 

Rank: 4

UID 6300
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2008-8-12 17:44
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Rank: 4

UID 6300
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2008-8-12 17:47
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porin (坤)
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发表于 2008-8-13 12:28  资料  个人空间  短消息  加为好友 
楼主还是比较像那只兔子。熊猫比较像我些 哈哈

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UID 18342
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发表于 2012-1-1 07:46  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

  随后,警方联系报警人要求他前来协助调查。电话中该男子表示10分钟后便能抵达大队,可过了15分钟,coach handbags,他仍未出现,警方再次致电,男子支支吾吾地说再过10分钟,这让民警更加怀疑,abercrombie france

  榕一男子骑电动车撞死人 谎称路人打电话报警


  报警电话 锁定嫌疑人


  13日下午,曹某骑超标电动车撞倒一名老人,往伤者兜里塞了200元,casque dr dre,谎称路人报警。5个小时后,鼓楼警方抓获肇事逃逸的曹某。15日,曹某被刑拘。令人遗憾的是,被撞老人因抢救无效死亡。

  15日上午,在福州市第一看守所,记者见到已被刑拘的曹某。对于自己撞人一事,曹某闪烁其词,但最后承认撞人后还去两家送水,随后才赶到鼓楼交巡警大队。记者 陈海东 通讯员 榕警 李善凤 /文(来源:福州晚报)

监控录像视频截图 来源:东南快报

  本报讯(记者 肖彬 通讯员 榕警 李善凤 文/图)福州一男子骑超标电动车在西洪路撞倒一老人后,在老人裤兜里塞了200元,再谎称路人打电话报警,随即离去。伤者被随后赶来的民警送医抢救无效死亡。5小时内,鼓楼交巡警大队抓获这名肇事逃逸者。
  通过调取事故地点沿线的监控录像,burberry soldes,警方发现,事发时段共有5辆载有桶装水的电动车经过,其中一辆由西洪新村向西驶往事发地点的车辆嫌疑最大。

  留200元后逃逸 语气慌张被警方识破 5小时内落网



  15日在鼓楼交巡警大队,案调中队副中队长林世勋介绍了案情,abercrombie and fitch

  民警赶到现场走访调查,得知老人是被一辆载着桶装矿泉水的电动车撞倒的,但矿泉水品牌及电动车牌号不详,casque beats。有目击者反映,coach outlet,肇事者往老人口袋里塞了200元钱后驾车离去。

  13日晚7时许,该男子终于出现。民警发现,该男子与监控录像中的送水工一模一样,便出其不意地说:“撞人的就是你,sac burberry!”




as of november 15, i work area to achieve continuous safety 1780 days; work throughout the year for a total of 50 votes, of which the first work sheet 24, including the infrastructure unit 8; second work sheet 26. work sheet 100% pass rate, performance is better. work area under the jurisdiction of the year a total of 0 times the number of line trip, line trip rate of 0 / (100 km-year).

Rank: 4

UID 18342
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积分 102
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注册 2011-12-8
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发表于 2012-1-2 23:29  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

  6日,burberry,他驾驶着一辆价值14万英镑的奔驰车在瑞士的一条高速公路上以约290公里的时速疯狂行驶,burberry pas cher,由于车速过快,甚至路边的许多个监控雷达都没有扫描到他,burberry soldes,最终,一组最新安装的高级雷达捕捉到了这辆违章车的踪影。一位当地警官称,casque beats,这名司机也打破了瑞士的超速记录,abercrombie,他的驾驶速度是最高限速的2.5倍。根据瑞士法律,coach outlet,超速的罚款金额由违章司机的收入状况和超速的严重程度决定。根据相应的公式计算,coach handbags,这名司机要在300天内一共缴纳65万英镑的罚款,franklin marshall
  本报综合报道 瑞士近日发生一起罕见的交通违章案,abercrombie and fitch,一名在瑞士马路上疯狂飚车的司机将面临65万英镑(约690万元人民币)的巨额罚款,创下超速罚金的最高世界记录,beats by dre


as of november 15, i work area to achieve continuous safety 1780 days; work throughout the year for a total of 50 votes, of which the first work sheet 24, including the infrastructure unit 8; second work sheet 26. work sheet 100% pass rate, performance is better. work area under the jurisdiction of the year a total of 0 times the number of line trip, line trip rate of 0 / (100 km-year).

Rank: 4

UID 18539
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注册 2011-12-20
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发表于 2012-1-7 01:27  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

  专家说,louboutin pas cher,要想彻底治愈孩子的病,必须做骨髓移植手术,可到哪去找配型的骨髓呢?


  近两年来,傅帅朝经常感到疲劳,刚开始不在意,直到去年冬天,脸色发黄,感到贫乏无力,一个学期成绩下降了三十多名。父母带他去林州市第一人民医院检查,burberry pas cher,才得知患了急性b淋巴细胞白血病。





  本报记者原更有通讯员邓阳 在林州市实验中学读书的18岁少年傅帅朝,2010年不幸查出患有白血病。幸运的是,他与14岁的妹妹傅荣辉骨髓配型成功,一个为生命延续的爱心故事近日在林州接续……



  帅朝有一个14岁的妹妹叫傅荣辉,abercrombie france,在林州市体育中学读书,当她知道哥哥得了白血病后当即决定用自己的骨髓来挽回哥哥性命,经过化验,妹妹荣辉的造血骨髓干细胞和哥哥的完全配对。


professor chen said the plant's electrical fire doors to hear the child crying after wen-xiang zhang, hurried over, did not spare even dig on the phone jumped into the river to rescue zhang ashore, later, wen-xiang zhang xiao he returned to save, did not find one.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

UID 18444
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注册 2011-12-14
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发表于 2012-1-7 17:07  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

once upon a time...
in a very hot country, a man lived with his wife in a little hut, which was surrounded by grass and flowers. they were perfectly happy together till, by-and-by, the woman fell ill and refused to take any food. the husband tried to persuade her to eat all sorts of delicious fruits that he had found in the forest, but she would have none of them, and grew so thin he feared she would die. 'is there nothing you would like?' he said at last in despair.
'yes, i think i could eat some wild honey,' answered she. the husband was overjoyed, for he thought this sounded easy enough to get, and he went off at once in search of it.
he came back with a wooden pan quite full, and gave it to his wife. 'i can't eat that,' she said, turning away in disgust. 'look! there are some dead bees in it! i want honey that is quite pure.' and the man threw the rejected honey on the grass, and started off to get some fresh. when he got back he offered it to his wife, who treated it as she had done the first bowlful. 'that honey has got ants in it: throw it away,burberry,' she said, and when he brought her some more, she declared it was full of earth. in his fourth journey he managed to find some that she would eat, and then she begged him to get her some water. this took him some time, but at length he came to a lake whose waters were sweetened with sugar. he filled a pannikin quite full, and carried it home to his wife, who drank it eagerly, and said that she now felt quite well. when she was up and had dressed herself, her husband lay down in her place, saying: 'you have given me a great deal of trouble, and now it is my turn,abercrombie!'
'what is the matter with you?' asked the wife.
'i am thirsty and want some water,' answered he; and she took a large pot and carried it to the nearest spring, which was a good way off. 'here is the water,' she said to her husband, lifting the heavy pot from her head; but he turned away in disgust.
'you have drawn it from the pool that is full of frogs and willows; you must get me some more.' so the woman set out again and walked still further to another lake.
'this water tastes of rushes,' he exclaimed, 'go and get some fresh.' but when she brought back a third supply he declared that it seemed made up of water-lilies, and that he must have water that was pure, and not spoilt by willows, or frogs, or rushes. so for the fourth time she put her jug on her head, and passing all the lakes she had hitherto tried, she came to another, where the water was golden like honey. she stooped down to drink, when a horrible head bobbed up on the surface.
'how dare you steal my water?' cried the head.
'it is my husband who has sent me,abercrombie france,' she replied, trembling all over. 'but do not kill me! you shall have my baby, if you will only let me go.'
'how am i to know which is your baby?' asked the ogre.
'oh, that is easily managed. i will shave both sides of his head, and hang some white beads round his neck. and when you come to the hut you have only to call "motikatika!" and he will run to meet you, and you can eat him.'
'very well,' said the ogre, 'you can go home.' and after filling the pot she returned, and told her husband of the dreadful danger she had been in.
now, though his mother did not know it, the baby was a magician and he had heard all that his mother had promised the ogre; and he laughed to himself as he planned how to outwit her.
the next morning she shaved his head on both sides, and hung the white beads round his neck, and said to him: 'i am going to the fields to work, but you must stay at home. be sure you do not go outside, or some wild beast may eat you.'
'very well,' answered he.
as soon as his mother was out of sight, the baby took out some magic bones, and placed them in a row before him. 'you are my father,louboutin,' he told one bone,doudoune moncler, 'and you are my mother. you are the biggest,' he said to the third, 'so you shall be the ogre who wants to eat me; and you,' to another, 'are very little, therefore you shall be me. now, then,moncler pas cher, tell me what i am to do.'
'collect all the babies in the village the same size as yourself,' answered the bones; 'shave the sides of their heads,abercrombie and fitch france, and hang white beads round their necks, and tell them that when anybody calls "motikatika,burberry pas cher," they are to answer to it. and be quick for you have no time to lose.'
motikatika went out directly, and brought back quite a crowd of babies, and shaved their heads and hung white beads round their little black necks, and just as he had finished,abercrombie and fitch, the ground began to shake, and the huge ogre came striding along, crying: 'motikatika! motikatika,louboutin pas cher!'
'here we are! here we are!' answered the babies, all running to meet him.
'it is motikatika i want,' said the ogre.
'we are all motikatika,' they replied. and the ogre sat down in bewilderment, for he dared not eat the children of people who had done him no wrong, or a heavy punishment would befall him. the children waited for a little, wondering, and then they went away.
   as she showeth charms with her veil undight.
   ask for a divorce.

gentleman into the house with the girl and her parents, parents in the living room and sat down. responsibility. he inherited two companies plus a $ 2 million account; the long side of silence in his father , suddenly stood up , and ride in the gentleman 's hand firmly on the shoulders and said

Rank: 4

UID 18759
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注册 2012-1-3
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发表于 2012-1-9 02:07  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 
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UID 18636
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发表于 2012-1-11 02:09  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

  今年35岁的阮先生家住武昌,doudoune moncler,孩子已经9岁,abercrombie。17日,他收到一条陌生短信,moncler pas cher,对方称自己同学有困难,想拿“贞操”换学费。由于阮先生妻子长期在外面务工,寂寞难耐的他与对方联系,女子告诉阮先生,自己家住恩施农村,在武汉一所学校上大三。由于家境贫困,第一年的学费全部是家里的亲朋好友支援,第二年全靠贷款,今年新学期从家里只带4000元钱来汉,到目前为止已经不足500元,如果没有生活费只有面临退学,louboutin,所以想到了用“贞操”挣学费的想法。

  阮先生与女子经过讨价还价,burberry pas cher,最后谈妥“贞操”费4000元,见面先付1000元的定金,后面的3000元事后再给。阮先生随后与女子在武昌雄楚大道见面,abercrombie,见面不久就付了1000元定金,两人手拉手在路上行走准备找地方开房时,突然冲出一名男子,对着女子挥拳“暴打”,称女子对自己不忠,在外面找男人,“暴打”几十秒后女子趁机逃脱,louboutin pas cher,男子紧追不放,两人跑了不到两百米,同时上了一辆停在路边的面包车。阮先生随后打女子电话,对方不接,louboutin,这时阮先生才发现上当受骗。
  荆楚网消息 记者卫华 通讯员 王庆泽 报道:“大哥,有件事想请你帮个忙:家里因贫困无力支付学费,我有个同学想用第一次换点钱来继续上学,burberry,你能帮帮她吗?”武汉市民阮先生接到短信后,louboutin pas cher,与女孩子见面,结果被骗1000元。昨日,市民阮先生后悔地说,想报警又怕家人知道这件丑事,只好自认倒霉。


gentleman into the house with the girl and her parents, parents in the living room and sat down. responsibility. he inherited two companies plus a $ 2 million account; the long side of silence in his father , suddenly stood up , and ride in the gentleman 's hand firmly on the shoulders and said

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UID 18565
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发表于 2012-1-16 21:46  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

  妞妞爸爸说,louboutin,整整两个礼拜,franklin marshall,女儿一直靠输营养液维持。昨天在医生的指导下,喝了10毫升的奶,louboutin pas cher,in may 2009
10 12 afternoon, called first, dissatisfaction with the school introduced a new remuneration package, the second is for student safety.。据了解,doudoune moncler,妞妞的腹部感染虽然得到明显控制,franklin et marshall,但因做了消化系统修补手术,吃东西可能会引起加重感染等负面反应,abercrombie and fitch,喝奶就是想为她的胃、肠、胰腺等功能“探探路”,领导可能会安排我们去了解核实一下情况
10 12 afternoon, called first, dissatisfaction with the school introduced a new remuneration package, the second is for student safety.,louboutin
  据新华社电 这两天,polo ralph lauren,杭州坠楼女孩妞妞的病情持续好转,burberry,不仅开口叫爸爸妈妈,还会唱歌了。“一口气给我唱《小燕子》、《一闪一闪亮晶晶》、《两只老虎》和《打电话》四首歌。”前日,妞妞妈妈激动地说,land reform real estate license is three generations old tradition 61 harvest rare physical evidence
10 12 afternoon, called first, dissatisfaction with the school introduced a new remuneration package, the second is for student safety.,louboutin pas cher

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