标题: abercrombie Sprite mercury poisoning case into the prosecution stage of the Coca
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abercrombie Sprite mercury poisoning case into the prosecution stage of the Coca

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marseille indicted on charges of alleged damage to business reputation , product reputation,doudoune moncler departmentofgoods.com  discounted outdoor gear, skiing, snowboa, and liu xiaojing, the principle of high star sued suspicion of murder (attempted).

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prosecution charged that in early 2009, a sanitation department in marseille, liu xiaojing at work and get to know. liu xiaojing married her husband busy with promotion because of their feeling some cold, excitement seeking, she then became lovers and marseille. a few months later, the two together, eating, marseille inadvertently see its cousin the photos on the spot expressed the hope that their contacts. according to the prosecutors said, was the mother of two of marseille love object to remove oneself from marseille, liu xiaojing, and trying to get out through a variety of ways.

see marseille is very polygamous,hogan outlet, while miss suspected affair with karaoke, liu xiaojing gradually with the idea of ??killing marseille. prosecutors said that in conversation with liu xiaojing, it said that his childhood on the popular family pet, more self-deceived emotionally unacceptable, resulting in the idea of ??paranoia,doudoune moncler femme, will think of the problem.

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2009 october,peuterey outlet, after a fight with marseille,spyder, liu xiaojing to taoranting thugs trying to find a nearby pub, occasionally with building security the original high-star meet. after nearly three hours of chatting, the high star of the original experiences for liu xiaojing very sympathetic. liu xiaojing together that looked like his ex-girlfriend,abercrombie, so i agreed to help. liu xiaojing said that things can be done will be to their reward. subsequently, in claiming to be studied biomedical high-star under the guidance of the original, liu xiaojing bought thermometer, remove the mercury on food in an attempt to poison marseille. the first two were unsuccessful in the case, november 7, beans fishing in xidan joy city square,peuterey nba labor war in order to restart negotia,doudoune homme, marseille yet reached the restaurant, liu xiaojing point for the marseille open sprite mercury poured into the prepared beads. marseille without the knowledge of hospital treatment after drinking sprite. prosecutor in the analysis, the high star of the original one out of sympathy, on the one hand legal consciousness, liu xiaojing did not become an accomplice.

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later, marseille in the hospital when i heard that if sprite compensation available in the mercury, he told the police inquiry always insisted that sprite for their turn. prosecutors said at the time it arrived in marseille clear beverages has been opened before, but he can not determine the mercury beads are put liu xiaojing,moncler doudoune, said it was his turn the reason why, is to exclude the human factor, to facilitate future claims.

in addition, after the incident, liu xiaojing send text messages back to marseille, asked liu xiaojing and cousin in an inquiry, said the drink for each person to open their own, trying to speak with one voice. liu xiaojing, but no reply. she has told the police inquiry, said the drink is marseille open,scarpe hogan, mainly to rid itself of stakeholders. therefore,abercrombie lifejackets for disabled people, the two did not enter into a conspiracy of silence as the earlier media reports,peuterey, but according to their need to cover up the truth.

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