标题: moncler yorkdale kitten hid wells [9;nine;nine] days [9;nine;nine] nights firefi
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发表于 2011-12-2 19:24  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 
moncler yorkdale kitten hid wells [9;nine;nine] days [9;nine;nine] nights firefi

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lianjiang a cat apt hide surrounded an age well among a small cave nine days nine nights . yesterday, firefighters go down apt catch the cat , helpless kitten avoid them too did not arrest had apt await for it apt hungry rise up the aperture and then action . <br> <br> age well namely located in phoenix this port town among the mountain. furui the well about 75 cm lofty nearly 40 cm diameter wells , the well 's water class about eight meters away from the wellhead . <br> <br> 13,air jordan 6 high heels,go at family when she found a cat ran into the well ,louboutin heels, the recovery of the past , the well has no kitten chart she thought it killed the cat children do never deficiency apt hear after a meanwhile <br> <br> imdur said , two days forward the kin without water , she elected out of water apt drink but immediately the cat ran within she worried that whether the cat died in the well , and that well water longing be contaminated . <br> <br> so imdur put a tub down to activity absence to hang up the kittens but kittens do never admire naughty afterward put the fish down imdur also bait kitten yet still did never cheated out of it . <br> <br> yesterday 16:30 xu ,online christian louboutin, worried nearly water quality and safety of peregrination imdur police. 10 minutes after firefighters arrived the well can still listen the faint sounds kitten however,due apt the wellhead namely also small , the first firefighter go down was stuck , had to go down substitutions . <br> <br> scene gradually filled with beside dwellers the team went aboard thin and found the cat hiding within a small cave among the well , and the sound so noisy onlookers kitten deeper and deeper,discount ugg _6_six~2,nike air max moto 8,uggs boots british 46 -year-old [man;male;masculine;male] spent 26 [years;annual,all the players into it with an arm or arrest it out. finally, the firefighters to use pliers into his folder but still no achieve had to give up .

Rank: 2

UID 18159
精华 0
积分 64
帖子 29
威望 64
艺术币 78
阅读权限 20
注册 2011-11-29
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发表于 2011-12-3 03:53  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 
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