标题: ulgd super man and the bug out by cory doctorow ivlge
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UID 18337
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注册 2011-12-8
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发表于 2011-12-10 01:40  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 
ulgd super man and the bug out by cory doctorow ivlge

we promise to give our best tension to the execution of your order.  we look forward to a further extension of pleasant business relation.  can you effect shipment of the order in october?   it is our usual way to pack these goods in cartons.  we plan to use cardboard or plastic cartons for the outer packing.  in order to encouraging business we are prepare to make reduction.
our specialization is the exportation of chinese silk garments  we have the offer ready for you.  expenses for the technology transfer shall be fair and reasonable .  the technology transfer fee shall be paid in royalties.  to show our sincerity  timberland uk sale,we are prepare to make you a special concession of 6%.   we are glad to offer you for the sale of our products in your city.
we also do import and export business in chemicals and agricultural products  we give you price of 1440$ fob chicago.  what’s the price for 1000 kg of white sugar.  we have been engaged for two decades in the manufacture of such equipment.  it's our hope to continue with considerable business dealing with you the royalty rate shall be 15% of the net sales value of the products.
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