标题: peuterey outlet Legislative oversight to adjust quickly to follow up
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peuterey outlet Legislative oversight to adjust quickly to follow up

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Chen Gang

take control war the end of 2007, deqing county, zhejiang province, the province procuratorate for investigation first on identified in early 2004 to june 2006, fee deqing xiao alive as maternal and child health and hospital information branch, deputy director of the period, the use of hospital-wide information management work of his office, to provide statistics for the drug manufacturers to open all doctors prescription rebate in the amount of information the actual drug of drugs and drug dealers accepting bribes 52,900 yuan, was sentenced to four years. in 2008, zhejiang haining city procuratorate and for investigation of haining municipal people's hospital information section staff of more than medicine on behalf of wang as a in zhejiang and even across the country, similar cases have also occurred.

it is understood that, from 2008 haining municipal people's hospital of shocking and with the relevant staff to sign a confidentiality agreement, but still very hard to detect. prosecutor handling the case that, take control of the hospital otherwise, between pharmaceutical representatives and hospital,

the first to be li li targeted his former colleagues is the first hospital computer center in hangzhou li feng. li li relationship with this person is weekdays, li li is take care of the little brother. li li resigned as medical representatives, the two often were. li feng, because after the business the ability to highlight from the hospital, was promoted to deputy director of the computer center staff member in 2007, when the director.
2010 in early march on the city's procuratorate of hangzhou reported a letter from the start, through redeployment within the investigation, opened a medical representative in one fell swoop illegal access to several hospitals in hangzhou the hospital has on suspicion of accepting bribes and bribery for yu zhengrong, li feng,moncler, zhou xiaobo, shabdrung branch, chen gang, li li, who file for investigation and clues transferred xihu district procuratorate. subsequently, the lake district prosecutor's office also suspected of taking bribes in hangzhou hospital pharmacy pharmacist mcc, hangzhou center for jinxian shan hospital computer investigation. august 17, west lake district court verdict, sentenced for taking bribes jinxian shan years and six months imprisonment, confiscation of 15,000 yuan; sentenced for taking bribes mcc 10 years' imprisonment and confiscation of property 10,000 yuan. after the verdict, they appealed against the verdict, the case is currently in the second trial. meanwhile, hangzhou city court has batches of yu zhengrong, chen gang, li feng, zhou xiaobo, shabdrung section li li bribery bribery case and the case for the trial. up to now, in addition to yu zhengrong, chen gang decision into effect, the court will soon be sentenced to others.
this way, li li li feng, get the shabdrung by the division, and then successfully been always known for its strict management of the second affiliated hospital, zhejiang university school of medicine's according to prosecutors to identify, from 2004 to april 2010 incident, li feng, li li can regularly get through the first hospital in hangzhou, zhejiang child protection hospital, second affiliated hospital, zhejiang university school of medicine of the . li li and li feng is to collect commissions from a total of $ 0.4 million to the shabdrung in addition to sub-section 12 million zhou xiaobo 70,000 yuan, the remaining 210,000 yuan all hides into their own pockets.

2004 year, to resign in the near li li li feng requested its help to find the hospital to get the since then, li feng, the first hospital of hangzhou, the use of computer information management system of his position, in violation of the hospital against medical staff on behalf of statistics prescription dosage requirement, li li acquiescence to the computer center several times to get also simply
li li is a full buy the 40-year-old li li was originally the first hospital of hangzhou, a doctor, to resign in 2004 as deputy general manager of hangzhou, a science and technology co., ltd., in fact, doing it on behalf of the pharmaceutical activity. but, li li is more than the average medical representatives' minds, .

doctors prescribe what drugs are most like? which medicinal largest? this is for ordinary people, the value is not large, but some, such as medical representatives, but as this baby, because they can buy this year, zhejiang province, hangzhou city, west lake district prosecutor's office on the investigation and nine involving
get after li feng, li li and li feng, the use of personal connections to other hospitals infiltration. in july 2004, li feng, li li also help to obtain child protection, zhejiang province, the use of hospital-related drugs. thus, li feng,abercrombie, the information found in the hospital work of the section university students zhou xiaobo, and promised to get the zhou xiaobo, zhejiang province, after the use of child protection management information system hospital computer of his position, in violation of the hospital staff against illegal to feng. in order not to be found, zhou xiaobo li feng also came to the office, at his office computer to debug the drug code, zhou xiaobo then a new drug code on their own this information is then transmitted to li li, li li will pay part of the commission given to zhou xiaobo.
six hospitals buy one the end of 2004, li li li feng again please help, trying to get the second affiliated hospital, zhejiang university school of medicine related to drug use. li feng, although no students in the hospital, but as usual with the deputy chief of the hospital shabdrung division finance business, we propose to invite him to dinner in the name of the hospital to get a after learning that can be purely monetary commissions, shabdrung division promised. since then, the shabdrung division will enter the hospital making use of computer information systems, in violation of the hospital staff ban illegal to in order not to arouse suspicion, li feng with a first shabdrung branch office computer network connecting the hospital to obtain the amount of drug use, several times, then to the shabdrung section produced a to li feng, li li li feng and then forwarded this information, and li li to pay part of the commission given to shabdrung division.

handle such cases, according to prosecutors,ralph lauren, although in recent years, china has increased the area of ??medical and health efforts to combat commercial bribery, but the high incidence of crimes committed in the field of multiple momentum is not prone been fundamentally reversed, doctors kickbacks remains widespread, and indirectly lead to artificially high drug prices and medical costs, to the detriment of the interests of the majority of patients. only now, more sophisticated means of accepting kickbacks, hidden,

an insider familiar with the hospital's medical commission, told reporters, price execution. drugs into the hospital, with a disease, which produced with drugs, what brand of medicine, by doctors the final say, so the medical representatives of the department with the director and doctor, the end of the hospital's pharmacy and statistics closed or the computer management dr. li li was born after the incident also explained that he would profits even more impressive.
doctors resigned and became a pharmaceutical representative

10 29, the original clerks computer center hospital of zhejiang province, chen gang,louboutin pas cher, began his prison career. because accepting 99,200 yuan commission and to medical representatives (ie, drugs related to the promotion of responsible person) to provide imprisonment for six years and six months. after the verdict, no appeal by chen gang, now the decision has taken effect.

a complaint letters reveal yu zhengrong, former director of the computer center to another medical representatives also provide 2007-2010 period, yu zhengrong served as director of computer center hospital of zhejiang province in the process, the use of the computer center responsible for managing the hospital information system of his position, should be ji lin zixin pharmaceutical co., ltd. on behalf of the passage of a medical (handled separately) request to the administrator's password to enter the multiple information systems, statistics, hospital doctors related to the passage of a specified amount of drug use and the information to print or send text message, provide a passage. this information, yu zhengrong a basic one-month to hit, hit a given time the commission received 1000-3000 yuan range, as before the incident, has a total charge of $ 30,000. september 14, 2010, hangzhou city court of first instance sentenced for taking bribes yu zhengrong years imprisonment, suspended for three years.
in addition, from november 2008 to january 2010, the li li also to make hangzhou hospital pharmacy pharmacist mcc to obtain the hospital's mcc is to find the person in charge of the hospital computer center jinxian shan, asked him to use management information systems, computer center position to help, and promised to its commission, has been jinxian shan's promised. since then, every month on a regular basis to li li lin kang's office, using his internal data port, the premise of deregulation in jinxian shan,louboutin pas cher, using portable u disk to download the hospital's medical prescription data. li li therefore regular monthly commissions paid to the mcc, a total of 13.4 million. houlin kang will divided among the 95,500 yuan to jinxian shan.

sina exclusive manuscript statement: this work (text, images, graphics and audio and video) for sina to use, without authorization, any media, and individuals may in whole or in part.
computer center hospital of zhejiang province is li lian gang staff, the sixth in the hospital inserted identified by the court, in early 2008 to february 2010, the li li hospital of zhejiang province in order to obtain medical prescription data, many times to give the hospital information center responsible for the management, maintenance, backup data clerk working bribes totaled gang 99,200 yuan, chen gang is using his position several times to provide medical prescription for the li li data.



     yesterday , found guilty of extortion , dongmou zhongmu county people's court was sentenced to 7 years .

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