标题: new air max Men who continued to bring his ex-wife Liansha 8 Recognition was al
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new air max Men who continued to bring his ex-wife Liansha 8 Recognition was al

zhang xin zhang xin
missing forward the mum felt that her daughter was last seen living
lee chun (right)

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over nanny have faded,occasioning jilin city police care even after the investigation uncovered a according apt the suspect zhang shu hong catalogue he killed a absolute of eight folk,surrounded addition apt which a man, the other seven candidates all nanny. in order to avoid the things exposed, after the assassinate he also brutally mutilated bodies, and bodies darted into the sewer alternatively the creek due apt a major case, the nature of poor, the ministry of the governor as the case was the case.  
■ reporter wang jing report / photo

news newspaper jilin zhang shu hong suspects confessed that since may 2009, killing eight people straight after he allegedly killed his 12 surrounded 1998 year-old daughter and 18-year-old girl zhang xin li chunhua.  
the. the police said it would set up a working group of the characteristic investigation.  
ex-wife of juan zhang shu hung recalls:

brother and zhang shu hong birth to a petticoat

printing rumors, july 1998, zhang shu ruddy as that namely the huge sibling and his daughter, his ex-wife born, so his daughter killed pianzhi a rental duration and postmortem.  
nine 月 22 12 am, the reporter was removed apt find zhang shu hong's first wife, juan (a pseudonym). according to juan introduction, she also suffering from polio,while you go apt the hospital once met chang shu-hong. in 1982, zhang shu hong and juan got marital six years, they have been courteous, husband and wife operate a restaurant bar, easy life flies booming. but only regret is that marital six years,ugg dakota sale, they never yinanbannv. to this end juan secretly approximately a doctor, the results of diagnostic health, can give birth. 1986 end of the daytime juan home, zhang shu hong's sibling came home, zhang shu hong hastily forgive apt go out, leaving her after juan and zhang shu hong's sibling zhang shu hong's sibling acquainted juan, his brother intended apt his brother at the sperm, as zhang shu hong remain a baby after listening apt the words of his brother juan immediately contrary however, the afterward day juan home, zhang shu hong's brother came home, the requirements of his brother afresh in desperation, juan finally coincided in 1987, the daughter could be born. according to juan said by the duration the pair amid addition to operating the revival the zhang shu hongping telling others while you return,fix the table and fix shops moreover, the surface agreeable karma. but privately he is again person. he often together with some women,quite romantic. zhang shu-hong and even directly narrated juan: hard life,must divorce, otherwise he is never agreeable thus, zhang shu hong convinced, he and his wife filed as divorce.  
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discuss divorce,ugg website, zhang shu-hong ambition beat juan repast at this point,meantime zhang shu hong ascend pillow apt take something, take advantage of ran out of the house shouted for assistance later, juan was taken to hospital. juan said that she had the local police station, zhang shu ruddy pistols and additional items were confiscated at the police. end, the two aboard december 25, 1991 divorce.  
after the divorce, remarriage,air jordan 6 3 chifu knives to injure men broke into the hotel after escape, zhang shu-hong,barely never too long, he approached juan, indicated a wish to remarry, be rejected.  
ten years preceding her daughter had evaporated

according apt juan memories, her daughter was born, zhang shu-hong was conscious her daughter had not crude merely her daughter admire with canada,apt purchase out each phase behind apt the good things apt his daughter. the pair divorced, daughter rewarded juan. daughter looks beautiful,respect apt dance, juan are determined to redouble a agreeable daughter. result,among 1998, juan zhang shu hong suddenly base that he handled the minimal absences,exchanged his daughter below his custody if you can acquire more cheap bonuses,barely his daughter has been reluctant to live accompany with zhang shu hung. finally, zhang shu hong's repeated requests, juan admitted in the lee home to find his daughter, zhang shu-hong apt his face that expression did never newspaper of the missing person,barely the information has never been her daughter.  
zhang shu hongcheng considered killing his daughter

zhang shu hong capture the interpol apt juan and several additional households of the sufferers pedestal with the vice squad. interpol said zhang shu hong catalogue apt strangle her daughter and postmortem. if you paucity apt slay her, do not wait until several years after the hands. moreover, the second annual after the disappearance of her daughter,moncler kids sale nine students in the university classroom lessons jailed for u, zhang shu hong's brother sister have moved apt the u.s.,new air max, only one sister left amid jilin city,but has no contact. 'divorce, he said,not acquire crazy years later,ugg burglary, robbery and murder suspects arrested after 15 years, fled, he did not absence to discern my daughter. . after the incident, he simply lied apt her daughter aboard the kill do not want apt let her find her daughter.  
introduced,forward apt juan's sibling when they rushed apt the vice squad, said interpol, zhang shu hong menu after the capture he has repeatedly alley his sister juan,merely also to lay maniacal hands on him. juan all someone approximately for finally, he had no opportunity to begin juan was fortunate enough to escape
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12 years ago apt go outside her daughter missing

the. chunhua li's father li guilin, said, february eight 1998, his 18-year-old daughter, li chunhua and the village with several small sister to the market resemble the east jilin labor market seeing as work before leaving, they made an appointment a few folk did never find a job regardless of the evening must go to a village along the same cheap rate. night, all of them arrived, only li chunhua been no news
two anonymous tug zhang shu red

li guilin, said ershiqiba almost the twelfth lunar month within 1998, lee received a strange anonymous letter, open the periodical namely written with 32 , the letter said li perianth trafficked. lee home the letter referred apt the police, public security bureau of jilin warship camp registration station search forward apt the police station apt find the residence mentioned among the letter, the results evidence that the letter mentioned the names and addresses are false
2000 summer, lee once afresh received a strange letter, the letter said li called perianth sold huadian high a person there. at that time the ship's four squadrons operating branch of interpol interpol rushed huadian two verification and bottom the contents of the letter namely never true that lofty of a distinctly been bordered up. however,by apt police the content of this second letter,to fasten lofty of a sister and zhang shu-hong had a concise matrimony thus, zhang shu hong suspected retaliation for his ex-wife,accidentally framed their households subsequently,moncler jackets men uk, the police and the two anonymous li chunhua personality stored amid the ship affair interpol four squadrons, and asked li guilin to pay 300 yuan, the anonymous handwriting handwriting and zhang shu hong comparison. the results have to await 12 years until the arrest of zhang shu hong, li guilin and afterwards find the police handling the case, i heard that when handwriting assignment, as certified at one anonymous letter was written by zhang shu-hong, as apt why no arrests, the lee family namely illegible
flowers,by to li's sister speaking, zhang shu hong captured onward has repeatedly come apt their village
families of the victims question:

why they were summoned double to put

individual. for the printing of rumors zhang shu-hong was summoned double onward being released and inexplicable circumstances, jilin public security bureau officials said they aspiration set up a working crew apt investigate the matter.  
li yanqiu father:

that his daughter confessed

10 o'clock yesterday morning, the reporter arrived along the registration station surrounded jilin city chuanying town five miles village search group 6 li yanqiu of her father's house. li yanqiu him for his father, said his daughter after the divorce, went apt jilin city to go started among the home as a caregiver zhang shu hong,await their sick parents. later, zhang shu hong parent's death, his daughter almost it and zhang shu red object and obtain married to live. subsequently,air max 87, the police asked him to guide the access apt chang shu-hong son home. subsequently, the police took zhang shu red away,behind to his home. who knows the afterward daytime zhang shu-hong was put behind
she only said that zhang was cheated, and did not know other details. tried to persuade him for his daughter confessed,as leniency.

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  朱律师随即被法警带往暂看室,看到有记者在场拍照,朱律师嘟囔了几句“拘就拘吧”之后,abercrombie france,又向摄影记者说道:“照吧,照吧!”记者昨晚从东城法院执行庭了解到,虽然律所下午送来了2万元欠款,但是由于法院此前查封的律所账户中的钱款尚未入账,而且律所并未将涉案的重要资料归还给申请人,对朱律师的司法拘留继续执行。

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the child is then taken for a medical check-up. "some of the babies we get through the bin are healthy but others are not so lucky. some are dehydrated, malnourished and underweight and we have to nurse them back to health," angela kizobokamba from the centre told the british broadcaster.

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