标题: Egg gallery
Rank: 1

UID 6793
精华 0
积分 15
帖子 1
威望 15
艺术币 16
阅读权限 10
注册 2008-10-10
状态 离线
发表于 2008-10-10 13:30  资料  个人空间  短消息  加为好友 
Egg gallery


Gallery Profile

EGG Gallery is located at No.327, Cao Chang Di Art Zone, Chaoyang District, Beijing.
Founded in 2008 out of pursuit of and passion for art, by Ms. Ru Jie, a Chinese Italian, the Gallery covers a total area of 1,000 square meters, with two exhibition halls (Hall I and II) each boasting 500 square meters. The spacious and airy halls, in conjunction with a tranquil and picturesque courtyard, provide an excellent setting for a great array of artistic activities.
The Gallery focuses on contemporary Chinese and foreign art, especially works by talented junior and middle-aged artists with potential development. We hope to use the gallery as a platform to promote and introduce more excellent artists not only to China, but also to the entire world.

2008-10-10 13:30
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2008-10-10 13:30
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2008-10-10 13:30
Chen Wei Qun静物-2.jpg (19.81 KB)
2008-10-10 13:30
陈皖山《草地上的午餐》.jpg (22.04 KB)

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