标题: 姚明介绍
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发表于 2012-2-25 23:59  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 


一直以来,姚明就是一个非常聪明、好学的运动员,平时就喜欢读《三国志》等书的姚明在养伤期间还仔细研究了“地产界哲学家”冯仑的《野蛮生长》,该书主要讲的是中国民营企业家怎样在逆境中成长壮大,casque beats,看来姚老板已经做好了在cba大展拳脚的准备。
“我读完高中后就没有再上学了,而我认为教育对一个人来说非常非常重要,在nba打球的时候,我就明白通过学习才能进步。如果连自己都不去学习,那我怎么告诉其他的孩子通过学习取得进步呢?”在接受格雷厄姆·本辛格采访时,姚明表示渴望进大学深造,而今年秋天他就会去完成这个心愿。 其实,在7月20日姚明宣布退役后,有关姚明身份转变的一大猜测就是大学生,姚明也表示过要去大学读书,但为了低调,franklin marshall,姚明从未透露自己就读的大学和想要进修的专业,casque beats dr dre。有消息称,姚明会去上海交通大学读计算机金融专业。
还未报到 专业未定
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因为姚明始终是公众人物,他不可能像一般人那样过上那么平静的生活,就像他去大学读书,也要考虑不在报到的时候去,piumini moncler,因为那会吸引很多人的目光,louboutin pas cher。“其实,我一直想像普通人一样带着家人一块儿走在上海的大街上,仅仅是遛遛弯儿,然后我会告诉卖冰激凌的老板,给我来一个冰激凌,给我老婆也来一个!我可能还会牵着我的女儿,很平静地走在大街上。”姚明告诉格雷厄姆·本辛格,这是他的愿望,但是要想完全变成现实,真的太难了。
2011年09月06日09:30杭州日报我要评论(0) 字号:t|t
退役后,姚明进入了角色转换期,现在他是姚老板。尽管离开了nba(微博),但美国媒体并没有忘记他,近日美国知名体育专栏作家格雷厄姆·本辛格专程从美国飞往上海,完成了美国媒体在姚明退役后的首次专访,姚明在采访中透露了去大学深造的愿望。近日,mercurial vapor,媒体记者通过经纪人章明基了解到了姚明读书的具体情况:“姚明会去上海交通大学读书,但他不会像一般大学生那样去上课,而具体读什么专业要到10月再定。”


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UID 17908
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发表于 2012-3-1 20:14  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

字号:小大 2008-11-25 09:30 我要评论(0)
        11月21日至23日,全国过程装备与控制工程专业规范及评估标准研讨会在江苏省常州市召开,mercurial vapor,副校长李志义教授作为教育部高等学校机械学科教学指导委员会委员、过程装备与控制工程专业教学指导委员会副主任出席了会议,第八届台湾学生“北国风情冬令营”在吉林大学开营
october 26, 2010, to connect the two cities of shanghai, hangzhou and shanghai-hangzhou high-speed rail is officially opened, speeding in the shanghai-hangzhou line. shorten the traffic between the two cities with the fastest 45 minutes.,并作大会发言和闭幕总结发言,mercurial
october 26, 2010, to connect the two cities of shanghai, hangzhou and shanghai-hangzhou high-speed rail is officially opened, speeding in the shanghai-hangzhou line. shorten the traffic between the two cities with the fastest 45 minutes.,air jordan,成为这些院校化工过程机械学科的创始人。1998年,教育部颁布新的本科专业目录,将化工设备与机械专业改为过程装备与控制工程专业。2003年,我校化工过程机械学科被评为辽宁省重点学科,supra skytop,2008年,化工过程机械学科再度被评为辽宁省重点学科,并且本学科所在的一级学科“动力工程及工程热物理”被评为辽宁省一级重点学科。迄今为止,我校在该专业培养的本科生毕业生达4000余名,为我国过程工业的发展培养了大量高级专业技术人才。
        会议期间,our final point
october 26, 2010, to connect the two cities of shanghai, hangzhou and shanghai-hangzhou high-speed rail is officially opened, speeding in the shanghai-hangzhou line. shorten the traffic between the two cities with the fastest 45 minutes.,moncler,李志义副校长还来到常州市大学科技园的现代工业中心,参观了数控技术、焊接技术、软件与动漫、石油化工工业中心等有特色的学生实训基地,并和园区相关负责人就高校建设公共技术服务与共享实训平台等建设经验和做法进行了深入交流。 (教务处    王晶华)

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UID 17908
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发表于 2012-3-1 20:14  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 


october 26, 2010, to connect the two cities of shanghai, hangzhou and shanghai-hangzhou high-speed rail is officially opened, speeding in the shanghai-hangzhou line. shorten the traffic between the two cities with the fastest 45 minutes.,提高大学生道德素质和社会责任感,使他们学会尊重人、理解人、关心人,casque beats。薛光同时也向受助学生提出两点希望:第一,希望受助同学继续发扬“人道、博爱、奉献”的红十字精神,树立正确的人生观、世界观和价值观,moncler,勤奋努力,求实进取,开拓创新,以优异的成绩回报社会与国家;第二,希望受助同学履行自身应尽的责任与义务,积极参加红十字会的各项工作,supra shoes,践行志愿服务精神,努力营造友爱、互助、和谐的社会氛围,让人道、博爱、奉献的精神不断发扬光大。

october 26, 2010, to connect the two cities of shanghai, hangzhou and shanghai-hangzhou high-speed rail is officially opened, speeding in the shanghai-hangzhou line. shorten the traffic between the two cities with the fastest 45 minutes.。(学生记者 黄河清 图/学生记者 刘烨)
字号:小大 2009-05-20 09:43 我要评论(0)        
       5月19日下午,辽宁省第二届博爱助学金颁发仪式在我校图书馆多功能厅举行,supra vider。副校长薛光,碳纳米材料功能化和在聚合物太阳能电池上的应用
october 26, 2010, to connect the two cities of shanghai, hangzhou and shanghai-hangzhou high-speed rail is officially opened, speeding in the shanghai-hangzhou line. shorten the traffic between the two cities with the fastest 45 minutes.,省红十字会常务副会长刘琳娜、省红十字会组宣部部长田丽,大连红十字会常务副书记乔善春、大连市红十字会秘书长杨杰,大连医科大学党委副书记靳媛等出席了仪式。

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UID 18254
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发表于 2012-3-2 02:42  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

  女人摇摇头说:"我就是要吃馄饨!" 男人愣了愣,看到服务员惊讶的目光,很难为情地说:"好吧.请给我们来两碗馄饨."   
  "不! " 女人赶紧补充道,"只要一碗!" 男人又一怔,一碗怎么吃?女人看男人皱起了眉头,就说:"你不是答应的,一路上都听我的吗?"   
  过了一会,服务员捧回一碗热气腾腾的馄饨,往女人面前一放,说 :"请两位慢用 ."   
  看到馄饨,女人的眼睛都亮了,她把脸凑到碗面上,深深地细了一口气,然后 ,用汤匙轻轻搅拌着碗里的馄饨,好象舍不得吃,半天也不见送到嘴里.   
  男人瞪大眼睛看者女人,又扭头看看四周,感觉大家都在用奇怪的眼光盯着他们,顿感无地自容,恨恨地说道:"真搞不懂你在搞什么,千里迢迢跑来 ,就为了吃这碗馄饨?"   
  男人一把拿起桌上的菜单:"你爱吃就吃吧,我饿了一天了,要补补." 他便招手叫服务员过来,一气点了七八个名贵的菜.   
  女人不慌不忙地说道:"迩别瞎忙活了,burberry soldes,钱包和手机我昨晚都扔到河里了."   
  男人沉闷的哼了一声.女人继续说道:"二十年前,咱们身上一分钱也没有,supra shoes,不也照样回到家了吗?那时侯的天.比现在还冷呢!"   
  男人听到这里,身子一震,打量了四周:"这,这里......" 女人说:"对,就是这里,我永远也不会忘记的,那时它还是一间又小又破的馄饨店 ."   
  男人盯着面前的半碗馄饨,很久才说了句:"我不饿. "女人眼里闪动着泪光,喃喃自语:"二十年前,你也是这么说的!"说完,她盯着碗没有动汤匙,就这样静静地坐着.   
  男人说:"你怎么还不吃?"女人又哽咽了:"二十年前,你也是这么问我的.我记得我当时回答你.要吃就一块吃,要不吃就都不吃,现在,还是这句话,burberry pas cher!"   
  女人微笑的说道:"二十年前,你骗我说只有五元钱了,只能买一碗馄饨,其实呢,你还有五元钱,就藏在鞋底里.我知道,你是想藏着那五元钱,等我饿了的时候再拿出来.后来你被逼吃了一半馄饨,知道我一定不饱,就把钱拿出来再买了一碗!" 顿了顿,她又说道,"还好你记得自己做过的事,这五块钱,我没白藏!"   
  分手时想想以前,那个陪你甘苦与共的人,一路走来..其实你们的故事并不短.. 时间慢慢过去,那些感动却一点一点封存.. 其实最疼你的人不是那个甜言蜜语哄你开心的人.,也许就是在鞋底藏5元钱.. 在最后的时候把最后一点东西省着给你吃,却说不饿的人相关的主题文章:

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UID 18458
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发表于 2012-3-8 23:07  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

我很爱夏天,不仅仅因为夏天可以游泳,也因为夏日的奔跑,franklin marshall。夏天奔跑着,洒下了一路的汗水,但它却从未回头张望,franklin marshall,它的汗水早已变成了一颗颗珍珠;夏天奔跑着,留下了一串脚印,但他却从未故地重游,它的脚印早已变成了一块块美丽而又神秘的琥珀了!
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UID 18839
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发表于 2012-3-9 10:18  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

图为:学生们为卢老师祝寿 记者萧颢 摄

    还有千余名特别的学生,虽然不在场,也牵挂着卢老师。遵从岳父陈自强的遗愿,卢明协助妻子陈静一等人,polo ralph lauren pas cher,成立了“陈自强教育基金会”,从最初陈静一姐妹们筹集的10万元钱,到江声钟老先生捐出10万元,14年来,基金会共资助家乡蕲春1400余名贫困学子(本报2009年10月6日曾报道),burberry。最近,在蕲春籍爱心人士的帮助下,louboutin pas cher,基金会共筹到220万元,正在申请成立“湖北蕲春自强教育基金会”,来帮助更多的贫苦孩子,abercrombie
    400余人唱起《生日快乐》歌,大家纷纷向卢明献花,polo ralph lauren,开心的泪光在他的眼里闪烁……

   楚天都市报讯(记者庞正 李力力 通讯员施丽)昨日下午,在汉口循礼门饭店3楼,400多人欢聚一堂,载歌载舞,他们围着一位老人,亲切地喊他老师。
    这位80岁高龄的卢明老师,在这个特别为他举办的80大寿庆祝会上,进行告别演出。双人舞《蝴蝶泉边》、《涛声依旧》,卢明老师在舞台上舞姿翩翩,全然不像耄耋老人,louboutin。台下,他的学生们掌声不断,abercrombie france
    舞台上,学生们的歌舞、越剧表演次第登场,mercurial vapor,每一个唱腔、每一个动作,都一丝不苟,这是卢老师教他们的。
    武汉市红叶艺术团的团长毛汉川就是其中一个学生,“卢老师是个好老师,burberry,今天我们团送给他一株不老松,burberry soldes,祝他永远年轻。”

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UID 18492
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发表于 2012-3-9 12:49  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

i am cought between the devil and the deep blue sea. 进退维谷。
i am not a slave, i am not a captive, and by energy i can overcome the greater obstacles. 我不是奴隶,也不是俘虏,我有力量可以克服更大的艰难险阻。
i am not now that which i have been. (i am not what i used to be.) 今日之我已非昔日之我。
i am not only witty in myself, but the cause that wit is in other men. 我不仅要使自己有才智,而且也要使别人有才智。
i believe the first test of truly great man is his humility. 一个真正伟大的人,对他的第一个考验就是看他是否谦逊。
i cannot be your friend and your flatterer too. 我不能既是你的朋友,burberry sodles,而又对你阿谀奉承。
i count myself in nothing else so happy as in a soul remem-bering my good friends. 我认为,只有在脑海中想起好朋友时我才会那样快乐。
ideals are like the stars -- we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them. 理想好像星星,不能摘到,但我们犹如水手,可借它指引航向。
idle folks have most labour. 懒汉总嫌活太多。
idle folks lack no excuses. 懒汉辩解,何患无词。
idleness is the key of beggary, and the root of all evil. 懒惰是行乞的敲门砖,是万恶的根源。
idleness is the root (or mother) of all evil (or sin or vice). 懒惰是万恶之源。
idleness is the rust of the mind. 懒惰使脑子生锈。
idleness rusts the mind. 懒惰使人的头脑迟钝。
idle young, needy old. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
if a donkey bray at you, don't bray at him. 傻瓜惹著你,你别跟他缠。
if a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. 如果倒空钱袋,装入脑袋,那就无人能够把钱夺走,mercurial vapor
if a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts, but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certaintics. 如果以肯定开始,必将以怀疑告终;如果愿以怀疑开始,必将以肯定告终。
if at first you don't succeed, try, try again. 初试不成功,努力勿懈怠。
if doctors fail thee, be these three thy doctors; rest, cheerful-ness, and moderate diet. 如果医药不能帮助,那么注意三件事∶休息,愉快,饮食调和。
if each would sweep before his own door,franklin marshall, we should have a clean city (or street). 众擎易举。
i fear the greeks, even when bringing gifts. 敌人献礼品,千万莫轻信。
if i take care of my character, my reputation will take care of itself. 注意好品行,自有美名声。
if it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it. (if it is not broken, do not fix it.) 不正确的事不做,不真实的话不说。
if it were not for hope, the heart would break. 人是靠希望活著的。
if matters not how a man dies, but how he lives. 重要的并不在于一个人怎样死,而是在于他怎样生。
if money be not thy servant, it will be thy master. 不做金钱的主人,就会做金钱的奴隶。
if nobody loves you, be sure it is your own fault. 如果没有人爱你,肯定是你自己有问题。
if one desires to succeed in anything, he must pay the price. 如果想做成点事,就得付出代价一干。
if the beard were all, the goat might preach. 如果有了?需就什么都行,那么山羊也可以说教了。
if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. 问道于盲,无益于事。
if the counsel be good no matter who gave it. 只要忠告中肯,谁提都行。
if the eye do no admire, the heart will not desire. 眼不馋,心不贪。
if the old dog barks, he gives counsel. 如果老狗叫,他是给忠告。
if the pills were pleasant, they would not be gilded. 丸药不苦不会加糖衣。
if there be neither snow nor rain, then will be dear all sorts of grain. 雨雪不调,五谷价高。
if there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun. 吃得苦中苦,方知甜中甜。
if the sky fll (or falls), we shall catch larks. 异想天开
if they say you are good, ask yourself if it be ture. 若有人称赞你,要自问对不对。
if things were to be done twice all would be wise. 事事倘能做两次,人人都可称明智,abercrombie
if two men ride on a horse, one must ride behind. 两人同骑一马,必有一人在后。
if we are bound to forgive an enemy we are not bound to trust him. 如果我们决定宽恕一个敌人,但决不能相信他。
if we cannot get what we like, we have to like what we can get. 随遇而安,franklin marshall
if wise men play the fool, they do it with a vengeance. 智者干傻事,愚蠢到极点。
if wishes were horses, beggars might ride. 愿望不等于事实。
if you agree to carry the calf, they'll make you carry the cow. 得寸进尺。
if you are too fortunate, you will not know yourself; if you are too unfortunate, nobody will know you. 运气太好,得意忘形;运气太坏,无人理会。
if you can be well without health you may be happy without virtue. 如果不健康而能强强壮壮,那么无美德也可快快乐乐。
if you cannot bite, never show your teeth. 不能打仗,切莫出兵。
if you cannot have the best, make the best of what you have. 如果你不能有最好的,你就充分利用你现有的吧。
if you command wisely, you'll be obeyed cheerfully. 倘君指挥有方,人人欣然听命。
if you confer a benefit, never remember it; if you receive one, remember it always. 施恩勿记,受恩勿忘。相关的主题文章:

   a kitchen and two bedrooms
   as they think

the old man said quietly: to write his memoirs for the purpose of future generations to know the fine tradition of the older generation of the revolution, let them cherish the good life, to learn, to do a good job, and contribute to the country i left to the younger generation spiritual wealth. grandfather and father to participate in relevant aspects of the revolution

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发表于 2012-3-12 01:11  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

  我承认此前从未对一个女孩这样费尽心机匪夷所思过。直到那个落叶飘飞、黄花憔悴的季节,我知道,我凄凉地爱上了她。 那时,大二刚开始。
  几千年前,相传一对痴情男女,后来双双化蝶,burberry sodles。我常在想,英台的那一头莽撞,坟开石裂,血肉飞溅,香消玉殒,那真是痴爱到了超越千山万水阴间阳间的。无独有偶,远隔五湖四海的意大利小城维罗纳也上演了一幕如出一辄的爱情悲剧——罗密欧与孙心仪叶……其实,今天,天涯海角,仍在上演类似的故事!
  还有,她微翘的嘴唇总给人一种似有似无的笑,christian louboutin,十月的阳光很好,我抬起头凝视她的刹那,她也刚好看着我。
  那年,www.mercurialvaporufoot.com,我才真正体会到近在咫尺,远在天涯的切实涵义。记不清多少个周末,独自徘徊在驶往分校的校车边,每次却总是望着远去的车影,喃喃自语道:下周吧,mercurial vapor。可我知道,christian louboutin uk,下周复下周,释放的是羞涩的心灵,却无法释怀那份浓浓的相思。

   she is the regional manager for a software company

i like summer, not only because he was born in the summer. the taste of summer, bright and without exhaustive

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UID 18444
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发表于 2012-3-12 18:39  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 
Among the souvenirs of your trips to faraway lands

can you still find this day, my dear, among your possessions?
among the souvenirs of your trips to faraway lands, the textbooks from those halcyon days when you walked the hallowed portals of that engineering college, the cassettes whose covers were left behind after one of those bacchanalian sessions in the hostel, the photographs of those classmates whose names you can't remember? or is it hidden in the darkness, put out of sight along with the book you bought but never read, the gift you never quite found a use for and the letters you never finished or sent.
i can still find it here, in the city,franklin marshall, in the house which you have never visited, in the kitchen where i have imaginary conversations with you. it is here even when i am not, for i go out now, leaving the light on and the music playing,christian louboutin, so i can return home to the illusion of company.
i am probably better off now. without secrets to keep from my parents. without someone to come between me and my friends, me and my pastimes, me and my work,franklin marshall, me and my sensible, understandable, utilitarian life. the life that i keep trying, keep failing to bring in line with the expectations that i keep trying, keep failing to make my own.
it is not that i always feel like this, sometimes i yearn for those days when tears and laughter both came easy. those easy and quick transitions from ecstasy to despair. when a compliment could keep my mind occupied for hours on end and a harsh word could prick like a pin the same skin which now seems dry and insensitive. like probably millions around the world, i look outside the window of a crowded bus, lost in my own thoughts and wonder how it could happen to me.
was i not supposed to be different from the rest? not for the silly schoolgirl infatuation with the football team captain or the fascination with the good for nothing, pot-smoking aspiring poet. ours was a mature friendship that had blossomed into more. how could i feel a pang of envy then, when you lent a helping hand to another girl, when you spoke about someone who's far away and about to be married, when you were so involved in the book you were reading that you did not notice that we never met all day?
when we decided that it had been too long and that we should meet, i carefully started preparing a package for you. a small poem, that book you always wanted but never found,burberry, an old photograph and a bar of chocolate for us to share. what would i wear and what would we talk about? the package still remains in my drawer waiting for the phone to ring again.
it was a rainy sunday afternoon when we sat in my tiny hostel room,mercurial vapor, discussing capitalism and campus gossip with equal fervor. when it seemed as if those conversations could last forever and we would never tire of them. when joni mitchell sang "california" seven times on continuous play before we thought of getting out.相关的主题文章:

   daiyu mourner word
   ectopic pregnancy

i like summer, not only because he was born in the summer. the taste of summer, bright and without exhaustive

Rank: 5Rank: 5

UID 18517
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发表于 2012-3-13 02:21  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 


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johnson a dream, the splendour dancing, yeah non yeah hesitant dream intoxicated. share anecdotes from two decades of acacia, deep-seated trace, flowers flew at, hard to find fanghun.    张晨、牛棚、二哥、小胖~````你们还好吗?每当深夜,自己仰望星空
苦的悲伤,christian louboutin uk,幸福还是快乐的,起码你体验过感受过,但是那些离开世事的
the best!!!

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UID 18636
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发表于 2012-3-13 06:27  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 
commitment sometimes

falling autumn
sunset the advent of hard fishing  
summer injury  
crushed the original quiet  
totally disillusioned with the life you resort     the warm
wall a  
summer hurt the advent  
letters into the distance less  
flying your happiness kite  
summer injury ,franklin marshall,
fence off the dream of love  
sleeping your beautiful face  
old fisherman cottage
ancient castle the advent of beautiful
fairy princess  
summer injury
not take summer injury  
kanbu po eternal truth  
want to back fuzzy  
far-fetched injury  
recall the faith of the narrator tears  the
commitment sometimes  
rely on lies to repay  
autumn leaves falling  


   recommend | hot microblogging today

i like summer, not only because he was born in the summer. the taste of summer, bright and without exhaustive

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UID 18458
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发表于 2012-3-17 01:26  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

幸福,就是找一个温暖的人过一辈子。今天,我突然很想告诉世界上所有的人,珍惜吧,珍惜爱你的人,珍惜在你身边一直保护你,一直把你当宝贝的人。那个人真的很珍贵。他在你身边的时候,你并不知道你真的那么爱他,甚至以为自己得到的爱护都是理所应当的,很少意识到他的重要,有时候和他任性和他发脾气,有时候会觉得疲倦,有时候会觉得缺少激情,但当你再没有他在你身边唠叨,没有人管你,没有人在乎你的病痛时,突然发现,失去了,那个自己其实一直最爱的人。   爱是一场长久的拉锯战,从我们相识到相知,然后是相恋的一路上,就摆下一场战线很长的拉锯战。两个20年甚至更长时间毫无交集的人在一起,难免会争吵,会有分歧。我们本不是一体,burberry sodles,只是因为爱而在一起,然后爱其实并不能就解决了所有的问题。因为我们的个性都太强了,更爱的其实是自己,所以,总是争执个不停,总是在和对方吵闹之后,发现自己的任性,却又免不了下一次的任性。­
  如果这个世界上有卖后悔药的,我相信每个人都希望拥有,就可以在每次吵架、冷战之后吃上一颗药,就全部忘掉,重新开始了。真可惜,mercurial vapor,没有这种药,而且就算有,总吃后悔药也会产生抗药性,每一次的争吵留下一点伤害,积少成多,就会成为你的负担和他的烦恼。谁都不会把一次小小的争吵记在心上,但是两次三次呢?很多次呢?所有的争吵到最后都化为委屈,总有一日,会爆发。­
  在你下决定前不妨告诉他你的决定,air jordan,这是尊重他的表现。可能他会不赞同,但肯定会为了你的尊重而欣慰。如果要是正好也赞同,恭喜你,又将你们的幸福推进了些。而当他做决定的时候,不要过多的干预,给他尽可能多的空间。相信我,虽然你们相爱,但还是完整的个体,所以让他自己决定吧。就算你不赞同,也不要在他一脸兴奋的时候告诉他,鼓励他吧!之后再委婉的给他一些意见.在面临苦难的时候不要小看你的爱人的能力,也不要因为自己的郁闷而迁罪于他。他也不容易,他和你一样面临着困难,他还要照顾你的想法,louboutin pas cher,其实他更难。跟他一起努力吧,abercrombie and fitch,相信你们一起什么都能解决。更不要独自去面对困难,因为没有人希望自己的爱人单独面对艰难,可以一起度过艰难与一起是一样的重要,不管面对什么,相信要两个人在一起。享受幸福­

   the music is not very
   knocked down the obstructing vehicles

when i leave this world , you watched me leave you by my side , i can happily go to paradise travel . so , in any case do not forget , i have always loved you .

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UID 18517
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发表于 2012-3-19 10:04  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 



concerned about good design to share with everyone together to learn and progress    日记本来是写给自己看的。
不过。突然感到一阵恶心,abercrombie france

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UID 18444
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发表于 2012-3-19 14:10  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 
how so dead set in love with him

~ not what i want you to help, you would not have ended up this way now, i killed you ~
~ your stuff is not all like to go do?

not want you to marry hong kong guy? then youde said to me, heard these words i can not help but surprised, too sudden. my internal organs seems to suddenly be emptied.

girlfriend and lawyer with over the network met the love. so i decided to also use the internet to punish them.

~ who is that?

girlfriend ~ i love the woman of 4 years. 1400 days and nights, the feelings of not a few words can say qing. this is not just love, is also a family

~ the shenzhen held a hearing, they invited us to attend, had not sent me to, i see a rare opportunity. can also been see here familiar with the environment, to be honest, i have this ready to take a look at how the environment here, well, i would choose to work here ~  

shut our eyes and bit by bit with the girlfriend uppermost. opened his eyes, tears already mimang my eyes
interview finished in the afternoon, back to the office. chaos to do a group. the announcer mm ran to tell me. the director wanted me to see him immediately.
~ you are a long break, i informed to come back to work ~

but my heart is in the blood.
christmas special live broadcasts

day you call me at home to tell my mom, i go to see friends, my mother listened to angry to death, an angry open my consent, the door did not hold my photos have a blind date, is the people of hong kong, formerly of our village, and later went to hong kong ... and my parents let me meet him and his family about the time where you in the hotel that day.

but i really do not want her any harm ... i should in the end how? ? ? ?
~ well, you is not did not go ~ i look back, that practice announcer mm

moving from gas to my question seemed very agitated. ; ...

; snip ~~! dormitory door opened, and come in his girlfriend. she looked at us for a few seconds.

whole afternoon of a very bad mood.

life goes, work had to efforts. i can not remember. since the girlfriend to go to beijing. i've had how many sleepless nights. but this one is certainly the most
. ; has been said in the side ah?
the world thing is interesting, i was suspended. she comforted me, she cried the tears, i have to pretend to be strong to comfort her.

opened the door to you how to? ~

calmly talk to him? he saw wisdom is nothing more than her money, she developed further the relationship, i give him money to let him quit? in the past few years, i have saved hundreds of thousands of fast money
~ if i want your help, will hurt others, is a bad thing, is very bad to very bad things, you still want to help me?

ready to marry his girlfriend, is now irrelevant. i kept asking his own heart, to love someone, you should do anything for her. although we have split up,
go. the biting cold. cold not only because of the winter to autumn, but his girlfriend no longer sleep in their own side: biting, not our own hands could not resist the cold,
. ; enough to live comfortably in the past after?
you two people? anja and heard her with a man with inexplicable tension.
~ trip to shenzhen, is the huihui! came to see? ~ but i must not be so throw in the towel
girlfriend heard these words,abercrombie, suddenly startled a little.
~ ~
my head seems to stay out, i totally can not hear the scolding sound of the director. i only remember the last one, because only one is enough

at this time his girlfriend healer and rang. ~ dear, you know. i soon came to shenzhen travel. what can we meet again ~

~ i do things are not careful, this is how to blame you ~
that lawyers think that the phone has been returned to my girlfriend, so that will be sent a sms. such a murdered person's sms
/ p>
you admit it or not, you love that lee * did you love me the deepest love, but also deep?

girlfriend thing intact to her,www.chaussuresulouboutinpascher.com, she listened very committed, i would like . she was impressed and willing to help me. night we are planning how to retaliate ~

i long sigh ~ important ~
i know a very rude appearance comments, but i can not imagine a law firm so that the countenance of the people out of high-grade .
~ no matter what, i am willing to help you ~
damn, damn, damn sms, damn lawyers, that damn network! ! !
girlfriend had never expected that i would. the whole person, stared, and to her mother, to help us. he gave me the feeling is really handsome, working in television, i see the guy's chance do others more, but like his handsome young man is really rare,abercrombie and fitch, i am beginning to agree with his girlfriend why his sheets like lee hom. the girlfriend has been the appearance of advocates, how so dead set in love with him? maybe love really can not explain
change? ~
i took the tape out of the office. the head is full of piece of text messages, he will come. how can i do? and compete to win back his girlfriend? find someone to put his pain flat meal?

~ i came back to pick up some i can not go, but it does not belong to me, so that's good or ~
~ do not see your work so seriously it? usual lunch time you're the first one to go to yo ~!
~ i can help you send it, i just happened to bring our group just to do the tape in the past ~
said that, ah, doing there?
~ this has important ~

~ i see the huihui ~

your parents agree with you with him? i think if her parents agree with her understanding of people with an online marriage, then i really have nothing to say.

girlfriend's mouth open a hesitantly. i saw her eyes light.

, this is really a good girl. i let her head leaning on my shoulder, said quietly in her ear - this is no longer important ~


but completely sleepless again and again disappointed and frustrated to lose patience, and lost his mind, i am increasingly unable to inhibit the impulse of the heart, and finally in the early morning a five-point out of the door, frantically looking for in an internet cafe near ... three times i did not she call out of internet cafes, i have been furious, intolerable, and she has forgotten her father's commitment to ...

to my house, will ask me to ask you is not busy and how for so long not to go once my home ... before my parents do not watch the news, since to know you and i get married, they become every day on time to see your units news, watch your news see you today where the interview. however, since the last time you send back my things, they no longer watch the news, looking at all feel hate, and now even tv not looked at how ... you think about it, you will all my stuff all sent back to my house, my parents think? let the village people see going to think? at that time you thought about? this is all my own making, i will as i had the urge to pay the price.
~ no, i am afraid of meeting huanglian po, why they are called to help me, i killed you - she had eyes red from crying thrown tears

  i not returned to him. i know, just take away his cell phone. it is impossible to cut off contact between them. but at least give them to the point of manufacture of trouble is good

. busy in the office this morning out, i seem to want to finish everything. maybe i want to work hard to forget all the pain temporarily.

heard that her husband was a beautiful young woman snatched her television stations in the beautiful mm is not pleasing to the eye

that your parents in the end want you to marry what kind of person? will not hong kong guy? go
~ i know you will not, although you usually loves to joke around, with a total not serious. but i know you're a good man, a sense of justice. like today, you dare in front of the director of bear all the responsibility. relief for me,louboutin pas cher, i know you is not going to hurt anyone ~

will hurt you this is my last only request if you can promise me this request, i can rest assured, i will be able to feel at ease to let you go. why do you hate him? also not worthwhile to hate him. i really hello, really for the sake of your future happiness, so i beg you in any case can not be with him you will not be happy with him, you say you in the future with i together will be very painful not happy, then i can tell you, if you really with him, you will in the future than with me more pain. i can be sure i know you will say as long as he together is the future pain will not regret it, it will not come back to me, but i will regret, i will be sorry to let you go, sorry i did not stop with him. i do not want to see your pain, you know? i do not want to take you a lifetime to make a bet, to verify his guess is wrong! life is no turning back, when you want to go back when everything is too late, then regret it can have any ? do you see the flies are not happy, i will be happy because my predictions be verified with him? i will gloat? i will be clapping and cheering? i think i have not so bad, right? you say i have bad ? ...... believe me, more than a year feelings were, in this more than a year, i will let you stream a lot of tears have received a lot of grievances, and also received a lot of damage, but i can swear, i never harmful to the heart of even the slightest idea never played, i have been thinking on how hello and give you what happiness in the future to the children what kind of a family ... but in this world the thing is often counterproductive. headed woman chrysanthemum, he could suffer dukkha hungry, you can go sell blood, and even willing to lose his own life, but because he loves too chrysanthemum too afraid of losing her, so he helped a lot of disservice to eat a lot of gratuitous of vinegar, do a lot of overdone things, the results lead to business collapse shattered marriage, father, brothers, do not want him ... you think he want to? not! these are all that he did not want to see, he did not even even imagined love and lost love, it can be to blame? blame blame him too love the chrysanthemum, but do not know how to love, do not know how to operate the feelings, he loved the wrong way! obviously the heart love, but i do not know how to express, clearly wishing to take the expression has chosen the wrong way ... think of the drama of two column my eyes i do not know when it has begun to moist. from small to large, been among the best in class academic, i posted on the wall how much commendation you see it, but the feelings on this course, i have to admit, i do not pass. i have neither the other boys so many sweet, they are so amusing that a girl happy, i do not understand romance. if you must use academic computing, i think, emotionally up a primary school course, you will say that others do not born to people is to learn, why can not you learn other people do? yes, those things really can go to school, casually turn on the tv will be able to learn a lot, but i still think those are superfluous, it it is nice to play out like a martial arts style and no substance, made into a movie good-looking, but effective? that are not useful! i'm not saying will tease a girl happy bad, i just want to tell you, i told the other boys not the same reason i now, with my childhood environment for the growth and develop the character of a great relationship, i grew very quiet, i'm an introvert. if you really care about those things in particular, and especially wants day, a man in front of their own praise you, doing coax you happy, and obviously was fat your not fat, obviously the body is bad is good, obviously not beautiful that you ruhuasiyu obviously you are wrong also boast you're right, but also a day from morning till night phone call stop send a short message, an opening is 'dear', shut up 'i love you' ... if i really become so, can you stand it? you will feel that this person or am i? you will feel true to me? you become like that, do you think i really can not tell good or bad? hard to say. they say love is blind, a woman in love, when iq 0, these words absolutely not luanjiang to, certainly there is some truth now there is a very common phenomenon, that is, a lot of unmarried women like a married man, you know? they all have one thing in common, that is naive to think that he fell in love with the man is true, as he described living in misery all day, marriage is very, very happy not every days of life in depression and pain, but it is the responsibility of the so-called man or the father's responsibility to maintain that part of long-dead marriage, to these young girls to believe him, i believe he and his wife in fact, no feelings, i believe sooner or later he will divorce with his wife; interesting, naive woman was convinced, without exception, want to save the man out of oliver, with his love to appease his heart sinking, fragmented, ironing their considerate to his scarred soul, but in reality, how many men really his wife divorced? i admit, but how much? born women are not weak, but women are born with a lot of weaknesses people! unfortunately, i was a not good woman weakness of people, otherwise there will not be today. the two are not. opinion. >
you want it? >
life are not married? you are not very fond of children? before each follow me to the east gate to buy clothes at all times like to go to those children clothing store to see often give you send her niece to buy some clothes.
a human life will always have a particularly crazy time, allowing him to do some extremely crazy things. it is usually killed he would not do.
she followed me back to the dorm, and he kept saying she messed it up, she was killing me. afraid i would be sad, have to stay with me.

hedy, sweet and sour. speak also generous, / p
, p> ask you to call the number? he will believe? >
you in the end how are you feeling? ; you give him a call you? looking for him? / p>

; ~ we go and director talk about the good what we assume half the responsibility. if you lose in order to help me work how i had intended to go ~!

them a man sitting in the living room watching tv, i estimate very accurate. his plane in the morning to find a hotel. hui shopping, afternoon and night certainly will come to her house to see, because he wanted to see the wisdom is not directly have to catch a fish

i know that this moment has arrived. the next second the start into my showtime moment


~ afternoon to greet you, in fact, i was thinking about want you to help me, but i have not the nerve to speak ~

~ you chase it chase you ~ announcer mm also anxious cry out

~ oh, you are talking nonsense - she finally poti smile

back to his desk, i quietly to tidy up our own things. announcer mm beside me crying non-stop, wrong not you should go to the director to talk about anything. i looked up at her

in fact, i also thought, since you are determined to leave me, i have nothing to say you leave me, but you must promise me one request. with him.

8:00 pm two days
first ding dong ~ ding dong ~

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when i leave this world , you watched me leave you by my side , i can happily go to paradise travel . so , in any case do not forget , i have always loved you .

Rank: 6Rank: 6

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发表于 2012-3-23 17:37  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

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