标题: Analysts say the United States and India choose to get rid of Apache is heavily
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发表于 2011-10-28 14:56  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 
Analysts say the United States and India choose to get rid of Apache is heavily

According to the Russian military
News reported on October 26, the Indian Defense Ministry sources said on October 25, after a series of comparative tests,Cheap UGGS For Sale, the Indian military decided to purchase the U.S. armed attack helicopter AH-64D Russia's arms trade center world that India eventually abandoned with the implementation of Russia's main arms supplier beauty channel diversification, rather than technical performance related to an attempt to get rid of the product relies heavily on Russia.  

Russia, the world arms trade center commented that the Indian Air Force on behalf of the Western Area Command said the latest configuration version of the Russian-meter-28N competitors, Two kinds of helicopters are showing better fire power. Only contrast, the U.S. product in a series of performance on the better. Significantly less than the m-28N AH-64D, and up to 20 does not meet the tender requirements say India is clearly not entirely accurate. As the end of 2010 compared to the Russian and U.S. helicopters firing test results to be relevant only in the helicopter weapons and shooting conditions, the configuration data before it can complete an objective judge. However, the suitability of the Indian purchase of U.S. helicopters still a big problem, because India had already built a 20-25 active duty aircraft and Mi-35 Russian Mi-24 attack helicopters, armed technical maintenance infrastructure. Although the Indian Army attack helicopters armed tender of the United States lost to Russia's current military helicopter market in India still has the overwhelming advantage that competitors can not match, which is the first Mi-8 and Mi-17 transport helicopters. Unfortunately, the Indian leadership in efforts to implement the policy of diversification of sources of supply of weapons front, the traditional market advantage and did not play the final word, ultimately leading to m-28N lost to the AH-64D.  

It is reported that the Indian Air Force from 1971 the first Mi-8 helicopter equipped, fitted out in 1985 from the Mi-17. In 1999, India Baca Gilbert armed conflict, as well as protection in the Indian territorial dispute with China's Tibet region, the Russian-made helicopters, outstanding performance, especially at an altitude of 3700-5300 meters altitude. Mi-8 and Mi-17 helicopter at high altitude Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the complexity of difficult weather conditions, the successful completion of the Indian Army post to protect the mission of combat supplies, a large variety of weapons, delivery, material and technical support equipment and food.  

2009 in August, Government of India Security Council approval, for the Indian Defense Ministry announced its purchase of five cards -31 Navy helicopters,UGG Boots For Cheap, as in 2002,UGGS For Sale, had received nine cards - additional 31 helicopters, to board the  

addition to the armed attack helicopters, the Indian Army is still tender and procurement of light utility helicopters, heavy transport helicopters. In the first tender, using the French card-226T engine helicopters in Russia and the Eurocopter AS-550 competition. In the second tender, Russia is a competitor m-26T U.S. CH-47 In addition, Russia was still involved in the Indian armed forces on active service 16 Ka-28 helicopters at sea modernize tenders, concrete progress is unclear. However, India's purchase of a group of 59 m-17-1V medium transport helicopter project has been a member of India's approval of the Defense procurement, entered the final stage of negotiation. With the Indian Air Force in 2008 after purchasing 80 m-17-V5 helicopters to increase the number of different medium transport helicopter, the procurement of meters-17-1V major part of an alternative plan for retired Indian Air Force in recent years, 150 older Mi-8 and Mi-17 helicopters.  

India after purchasing 80 m-17-V5 helicopters of the total contract value of $ 1.2 billion in December 2008, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed during the visit to India, of which $ 405 million The contract shall be in the form of return through investment in India, the Russian defense industry. The contract negotiations as early as March 2007 had been launched by the Russian-Indian intergovernmental military-technical cooperation committee. Currently the first m-17-V5 helicopters have been delivered with India, Russia plan to complete the next four years to fulfill the Department of contractual obligations. (Compiled: Shu-shan) ★

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