6.中国在北宋神宗元丰年间(1078-1085 ),城市化率达到惊人的30% 以上,louboutin 我会伤心
he says, "there's one thing in the world money can't buy--and that's cool. now i have all the cool things that a lot of hard work has created for me.;在所谓“康乾盛世”时代,这一比例也不过9% ;新中国在21 世纪初才重新达到这一数值。 (《元丰九域志》《续资治通鉴长编》《宋史》等)
27.被使用时间最长的年号不是康熙,而是明朝最后一个年号――崇祯,一共被朝鲜使用了265 年。 (《朝鲜李朝实录》等)
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he says, "there's one thing in the world money can't buy--and that's cool. now i have all the cool things that a lot of hard work has created for me.。
30.第一次鸦片战争结束后,有人在京城某仓库意外发现一批封存了200 多年的火器。这批火器是明朝末年制造的,其中有的竟然比英军的装备还要先进。
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he says, "there's one thing in the world money can't buy--and that's cool. now i have all the cool things that a lot of hard work has created for me.。