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people sunbathe on a field at a public swimming pool in prague as temperatures hovered over 33 degrees celsius (91.4 degrees fahrenheit) august 23,コーチバック, 2011.[photo/xinhua]
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pick cotton train at 21:59 on the 19th arrived in urumqi railway station to pick cotton, work out of the station.,新疆的16.42万考生将走入考场,迎接大考。新疆各地环保部门在高考期间,casque dr dre,通过采取广发“禁噪通告”、设置环保投诉热线、加强夜间执法检查、加大宣传教育力度以及鼓励群众监督举报等措施,加强噪声监督管理工作,supra vider。
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pick cotton train at 21:59 on the 19th arrived in urumqi railway station to pick cotton, work out of the station.,做出相关安排部署,乌鲁木齐市要求各考点半径200米内的建筑工地,louboutin,在考试期间禁止有噪声的施工作业,louboutin。阿勒泰地区、克拉玛依市、乌苏市等区域,环境监察部门对建筑工地、娱乐场所等进行昼夜巡查,并发放通告限制其营业、作业时间,对拒不执行通告的单位依法进行严肃处理,确保考场及周边环境噪声达标。(完)
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