标题: cheap dresses Making Changes Is Up To You NPR
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cheap dresses Making Changes Is Up To You NPR

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answer: there are multiple answers to this challenge, including "blare" and "blasé," "charm" and "chasm,ugg slippers," "gents" and "genus," "kilns" and "kilos,mulberry lily," "mints" and "minus," "torts" and "torus," and other less common possibilities.
next week's challenge from listener monti montgomery of washington, d.c.: name a style of music. change the middle letter to a b, and you'll name a style of cooking. what are the style of music and the style of cooking? (there are several ways to spell the cooking style,cheap dresses, but the answer is one of them.)
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on-air challenge: change one letter in each word of a made-up, two-word phrase to get two new words that will start a familiar proverb or saying. determining which letters to change is up to you.
last week's challenge from listener dan pitt of palo alto,red wing boots 3140 sale, calif.: think of a common five-letter word in one syllable. change the fourth letter to the next letter of the alphabet, and you'll get a common word in two syllables, also in five letters. what words are these?
winner: jim liddle from west hartford, conn.

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december 4, 2011

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if you know the answer to next week's challenge, submit it here. listeners who submit correct answers win a chance to play the on-air puzzle. important: include a phone number where we can reach you thursday at 3 p.m. eastern.
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Rank: 4

UID 18304
精华 0
积分 71
帖子 53
威望 71
艺术币 132
阅读权限 20
注册 2011-12-6
状态 离线
发表于 2012-1-6 09:46  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 
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