标题: “至幻”刘保民个展
Rank: 8Rank: 8

UID 17
精华 19
积分 1273
帖子 313
威望 1273
艺术币 1234
阅读权限 100
注册 2007-2-8
状态 离线
发表于 2008-8-2 22:32  资料  个人空间  短消息  加为好友 

Liu Baomin’s “Extreme Illusion” series express his doubt of the reality; on the contrary, his last series “The Big Stage” focus on the portrait of the texture of real subjects. The“Extreme Illusion”is anti-texture; for all that being happened and now happening in the world seem to be illusory in his paintings.
What he expresses is neither himself nor the subject itself, but the image from his own observation to the subject, just like the visionary image medium by seeing through the clouded glass. That is his experiment of the existence of the image itself. He hopes to separate the image form the subject, making the image the existence of the painting. However, his image portrait is not about the texture itself, but an image symbol of personal experience. That is, he tries to express the differentiation of this age by the characteristics of the image itself.
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