标题: “至幻”刘保民油画
Rank: 8Rank: 8

UID 17
精华 19
积分 1273
帖子 313
威望 1273
艺术币 1234
阅读权限 100
注册 2007-2-8
状态 离线
发表于 2008-8-2 22:27  资料  个人空间  短消息  加为好友 

  刘保民生于1968年,陕西西安人。1989年毕业于西安美院油画系,获得学士学位。尽管他的表现手法不断地从现实主义到超现实主义,再到半抽象表现技法---刘保民的作品总是有一种存在的感觉。他的画中的人物,多生活在缺乏精神价值的世界里,通过歪曲的镜头看我们并不能让他们看到什么是真实的,什么是不真实的。 站在他的画面前,我们需要问自己究竟是他们还是我们站在镜子的后面。

  Liu Baomin was born in 1968 in Xian, Shan Xi Province. In 1989 he graduated from the Xian Academy of Fine Arts with a degree in oil painting. Although his technique has continuously evolved - from realism to surrealism and semi abstract techniques - Liu Baomin’s paintings have always had an existential feeling to it. The characters, lost in a world lacking in spiritual values, look at us through a distorted lens that do not let them see what is real from what is not. Standing in front of his paintings one has to ask himself if it’s them or us behind the mirror.

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