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Communist Youth League conference in the region's speech
Comrades, young friends:   held here today, the region's Mission District Youth League conference, summing up the work, recognition of advanced study and plan the work of this group, which work to further clarify ideas , a clear focus, hard work to create a new situation in the Communist Youth League, will have a positive effect. Over the past year, is the rapid development of our region's economy and society of the year, the main economic indicators have achieved substantial growth, made a historic breakthrough,Nike free sko, completed one year ahead, These achievements, is the whole region together in unity of the results, the condensation of members of youth organizations at various levels and the general wisdom and sweat. Over the past year, the region closely around the Party organizations at various levels,nike free run, the district government center, advantages, prominent feature, unite and lead the youth league members, vigorously Youth Civilization, hand in hand, young entrepreneurial action, cohesion project, Project Hope , college students in social practice and other activities to promote healthy growth of young people, to accelerate the region's economic and social development made a positive contribution. District of the Communist Youth League of the work is satisfactory. Here, on behalf of the District, to be commended for advanced collectives and individuals to express warm congratulations! Cadres at all levels to the region and the majority of members of youth groups cordial greetings and best wishes! Congress this year is to thoroughly implement the spirit and the scientific concept of development, accelerating the region's economic strength to the area by the population across the region, the key to building a moderately prosperous society in the year. The district government hopes the region can members of youth thinking and action to the District's policy decision, to achieve the objectives identified in District to contribute. Work on this year's Youth League, Xiaoli comrades have made a comprehensive arrangement to deploy, please seriously implement them. Below, under the new situation of the Communist Youth League, about three points:   one, from the party's ability to enhance the height of the Communist Youth League of work to do to enhance the sense of responsibility and mission   strengthening the Party's governing capacity, the success or failure of China's socialist cause, the future destiny of the Chinese nation, the party's survival and stability of the state. Group organization as the party's assistant and reserve force, and strengthening governance capacity building, youth work for the New Age is particularly important. First, we must strengthen political awareness. With the deepening of the market economy, very few young people ignored the study of political theory, resulting in lost political direction, political awareness weakened, detours and even take the wrong path. Therefore, we should educate and guide young people to learn the majority of members practice the Adhere to correct political theory with armed youths, to establish a correct outlook on life and values. More active, more conscious doing youth work for the party to lead the youth's goal to advance the party guidelines. Second, we must enhance the overall awareness.   as the new century, young, problems and doing things that we must focus on the overall situation, grasp the overall situation. Held at the end of the seventh to the five areas the Committee proposed a prosperity tertiary four key The region's young people to actively participate to the region's economic development work, in practice, experience, talent in the struggle,nike free tilbud, in promoting the region's economic development and social progress in the realization of the value of life. Third, we must enhance the sense of responsibility. Responsibility entrusted to us the times the powers and duties of young people, promoting economic and social development is the bounden duty of young people. At present, the whole country to the party's National Congress as a guide, concentrate on construction and development. Region as the less developed regions,nike l?besko, the development will not lag behind, but also slow the development behind. Therefore, we must enhance the sense of responsibility, turn pressure into motivation, to ensure the region's main energy into promoting the cause of economic and social development to go to achieve the internationally agreed development goals and contribute.   Second, according to the scientific development concept, to lead the youth league members to actively participate Taierzhuang economic and social development   scientific concept of development is the cause of the party from the overall situation of development of major strategic thinking and guidelines , provides us deal with complex international and domestic environment and the new challenges of a powerful ideological weapon. Youth members are building a moderately prosperous society in force and assault, to enhance the implementation of the scientific concept of development of consciousness,nike free 3.0, wisdom and strength to guide the economic and social development to promote the practice up. One is to actively join the main battlefield of economic construction. Party organizations at various levels should focus on the central task, give full play to the enthusiasm of youth members and creativity in promoting our region's sustained, rapid and healthy development of their talents. To focus on rural economic restructuring, vigorously implement the new century, young farmers training project, training for rural youth leaders and youth enrichment experts Spark
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注册 2011-12-29
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发表于 2012-3-22 10:55  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

  警方提供消息称,5月25日16时20分,甘肃靖远县公安局北湾派出所接到村民赵某电话报警称:其妻种某被该镇村民王某用斧头砍伤,要求查处。接报后,louboutin pas cher,民警迅速出警调查并汇报刑侦大队。由于当时受害人伤势较重,民警和受害人家属迅速将其送往医院救治。根据受害人陈述,民警锁定犯罪嫌疑人王某。民警围绕王某社会关系展开调查摸排发现,当天王某曾向该镇一出租汽车公司租赁一辆黑色桑塔纳轿车。当天下午,lunettes ray ban,王某驾驶该车来到赵某家中,砍伤种某后,驾车逃跑。

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