标题: ugg norge,
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发表于 2011-12-22 15:05  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 
ugg norge,

people in the money

sad not in the past, kind of annoyance came.
two months ago, li qing's husband and daughter died in a car accident, an instant two people gone. li qing's husband is a very stable car that day in their own lane in the normal driving, the speed is not fast, suddenly, a medium-sized van from the opposite side of the road crossed the buffer zone, a direct hit over, li qing's husband and daughter died on the spot, the van driver also died. it touches the other side of the unit is also reasonable, send to apologize, comfort, compensation money a lot of points to get over. can liqing do not need money, she does not short of money, she wants from her husband and daughter, to give her joy and happiness of people, real people, however, were indeed gone.
liqing spirit huanghu than 10 days, the company can still operate, but also take care of, liqing jiang endured grief on the classes, dealing with affairs. have fun back at home, sad again brought back, so she rented a temporary house, no home to live. more than two months later, others see her finally back to normal. but she knows the pain of the heart is far away, every time the occasion to meet needs in laughter, she should strive to make a smile. this may, or the kind of annoyance came, people began to introduce her other man. we certainly are kind, liqing can not criticize people, that seems also that she was less than four years old, japan, longer, natural beauty and rich, worry not find such a good condition on satisfaction of people who live also to continue. but the grief of her heart not in the past, how can we talk about these things, and she eleven politely refused, later.
to liqing liqing wan introduced a man who has been refused, we do not mention the.


year later, li qing feel lonely, and felt work hard for. what have been the original is li qing and her husband handled the company's two things occupying her husband even more, is now himself a dry, can not hard to do. in addition there are a lot of events, she was always undecided, all these events are basically the final decision of her husband, li qing really feel the need to find a person.
day, the purchasing department minister li qing liu describes a man, had arranged to meet in a bar.
evening, minister liu liqing came to the bar to accompany this wine it is very serene, and she knew it had a good mood. into the bar, see liu who introduced early to the minister, it seems very seriously, liqing feel very happy. liu minister to open the field, liqing not anxious to speak, that men are a little stiff, liu minister rushed to say easy, gradually,ugg boots, the atmosphere eased off, we are casual, and the men speak. he first praised the beauty of li qing, a good word have to spend, say liqing are embarrassed, and my heart also the united states the united states. is a long time so no one admire her, and liqing still know their own beauty, and more self-confidence. this man has the ability to boast liqing, a possession of such a big company, is really a strong woman, liqing polite on the surface of the heart is also very proud, she felt this is a nice person. minister liu was good to see things progress, they take the initiative to withdraw, and let li qing two to talk about them. contrary to expectations can liqing, waiting for the man in her what to say something more interesting, then, this man yet just said said that he had repeated, but also liqing how beautiful, how capable, which makes liqing feeling a bit boring,ugg norge, but she saw the man touches the jubilant. li qing intentionally diverge the topic, results are more disappointing, because this man will always say after a while the conversation back to her on the beautiful and talented. liqing a bit strange, do not say this man something else? liqing to turn to literature, art, and found that these men are illiterate, she was completely disappointed, this man has no taste too. the next day to ask liu minister xi zizi progress, the results disappointed to go back.
not long after, the sales department of the minister gave liqing chen describes one appointment to meet in a hotel. liqing a bit strange, how to meet at the hotel. liqing chen asked the minister, minister chen also a bit strange, but he said he wanted li qing said the other a surprise.
night, ministers and liqing chen came to the hotel, is a good hotel, the man at the door waiting for it, who looked pretty good, a little style. the man said the room has been booked, they passed on with li qing. to a private room, opened the door, liqing shocked, because there are five or six people, liqing think, how come with the blind group. minister chen rushed to ask how it can be said for a while to understand this man, he give liqing a gift. liqing do not understand, what is this gift.
this man first praised li qing about it, and then introduced one by one here who gave li qing, had all their relatives at home, and then men began to say his gift. the original is a cousin is a graduate of foreign universities, can help liqing expand overseas business, a table mo is a graduate of institute of finance, can help liqing the overall financial management together, another cousin is graduating from the university business school logistics , and can help liqing the purchase and sale of all pipes up, in short, so the management team will liqing unprecedented power, the business will certainly flourishing.
liqing heart was cold, which is this gonna get married, this class is simply a grab to seize power, and too anxious, so she excuses uncomfortable, got up and left.
out when she heard the man minister chen also made a fire, that is simply baffling. minister chen has came out to apologize to li qing, li qing chen minister to see that the poor gentile, can only forget.
after some days, a friend gave liqing introduced one, that this man is a big business are very strong, liqing had depressed mood gave the lift go up, if a management company players, and that half will have to rely on their own that, so she have a spiritual, promised to meet. the neatly dressed man
, it can be said xiangmaotangtang can liqing i do not know how i feel a bit uncomfortable, do not know. the people liqing much appreciated, but these have no interest liqing, anyway, are so, and always listen to these words, the existence of an inverted good things finished, and so you feel the bait. this man introduced his company, sounds like a big company, the business lot. this person to liqing shows a bright future, he and li qing companies together can do something about big business, he says, is also excited. li qing is this man's eloquence served to shock, if this person really touched endless people, so attractive. liqing with interest, we asked each other's situation, but ask a few key figures, she found each other's eyes flashed a hint of panic,ugg norway, liqing look alarmed, she checked this a few figures look, we found that these figures are not true, because there do not, want not understand about liqing, but she knows that i am afraid there is something inside, so she politely withdrew.
back home, liqing to the situation just thought, i suddenly realized that she suddenly realized that this man's company in trouble, he was anxious to seek financial support. liqing scared into a cold sweat, this is terrible, he is to talk of marriage, how the economy actually fell into the trap to be in, how is this going?
liqing lying in bed, like a piece to things, she suddenly found that these people do not seem to find love with her, that ugly little is robbing jiese, but money is more important, these people are in fact directed at her property, the money directed at her.
liqing bit discouraged, she is not a bank, and others do not need to rob her.


liqing to have introduced her to a man declined,ugg sko, but she found that really there is persistent, because of the sensibilities, her see also a few, found that few people actually, the key is to solve their long-standing problem in this area relatives, liqing heart feel hatred, and feel from the revenge of the heart.
day, the company's labor minister to introduce a liqing, li qing agreed to met. not long after that meeting, this man had turned the conversation to the property, go to the money on. liqing do not understand a bit, just want the money, it can not be so anxious.
liqing remembered his revenge plan, with a sigh, said: this was not enough, you have to exert greater effort to put money back, or else money and two empty, tell you the truth, recently my company has a lot of trouble financially. liqing paused, she saw the other nervous. so the other, li qing said: things crowded together, and if so-called money-strand breaks, then the consequences really could be disastrous. yes, there is no way you can raise some money for me? see, this person is not there a way to help, but the basis of conversations he and his collapse, he is the basis of his talk was a rich woman, and now the money was gone, of course, no foundation, and he certainly do not want to talk about it. sure enough, not to say a few words two people on the loose. li qing is very pleased, it was a touchstone, what can the bad guys to try out, but also to sent packing.
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li qing's husband and daughter died in a car accident, alone. a year later, she began to want companionship children, who can be described, looking for her, one that is money, all she attracts are a business owner, is a rich woman. once encountered a professor of economics ganshou ping, because a good broker that does not disclose the money, two people get along so good. but then a chance conversation, so that li qing gan shouping know, or know her money, and knew, so liqing angry, but the situation is not as she imagined. (author self-assessment)

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注册 2011-11-29
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发表于 2013-3-8 06:55  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 
生活中烫伤、摔伤或者其他创伤造成的脱发 www.haqt.net

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