标题: nike butik k?benhavn Charge Anywhere allows Nexus S to process mobile payments
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发表于 2012-2-3 04:19  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 
nike butik k?benhavn Charge Anywhere allows Nexus S to process mobile payments

the cost of the service will be $9.99 per month and it will include back-end payment processing, tech support, and a web-based management system.
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nfc will grow rapidly over the next year. a mobile payment network, called isis, has been started by at&t, t-mobile, and verizon with plans to launch by early next year. deutshe telekom and lg are working on systems in europe and google plans on testing a system in new york and san francisco in the next few months.
charge anywhere already has an existing application that allows android, iphone, and blackberry devices to process credit card payments with a dedicated reader, but this application will not require the reader since the nexus s has built in nfc. nfc allows mobile phones to swap information when they are near each other or near a store terminal. it is essentially a wallet-free way for consumers to make payments from their bank accounts to a store terminal using their smartphones.

[via cnet]

dmitriy lerman, director of marketing for charge anywhere, said the software update is ready to make available to large customers, and will soon release it for all customers.
» see more articles by robert nazarian
charge anywhere allows nexus s to process mobile payments 0 by robert nazarian
tagged at&t,nike butik k?benhavn, charge anywhere, deutsche telekom,ugg boots clearance, google, lg, mastercard paypass, nexus s, nexus s 4g, nfc, nfc payments, samsung galaxy s ii, t-mobile, verizon, visa blink

other phones that will utilize the nfc technology are the upcoming sprint nexus s 4g and the samsung galaxy s ii. charge anywhere will update the software to allow for newer nfc-enabled phones as they come to the marketplace.

charge anywhere announced that they will soon be releasing an app that will turn the nexus s into a full payment terminal using the phone’s built-in near field communications (nfc) technology. owners will be able to process mastercard paypass and visa blink payments remotely.
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