标题: the red wings 3140 the red wings 3140 The Speech Burned on Carrie Fis
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the red wings 3140 the red wings 3140 The Speech Burned on Carrie Fis

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one of fisher's key speeches as princess leia still has a hold on her: "i still know it. that's what's so tragic."
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"what if i get senile and that is all the stuff that i say while drooling?" fisher asks. "'years ago you served my father in the clone wars'... that'll be my next book. me as an old woman having them dress me as princess leia in the old folks' home."
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many people first encountered actress carrie fisher as a faded holograph image beamed from the r2-d2 unit in 1977's star wars.
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it was the third attack on the 480-mile (780-kilometer) ca?o limon-covenas line blamed on leftist rebels since late february. the rebels commonly target infrastructure in their decades-long conflict with the government.

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it was the third attack on the 480-mile (780-kilometer) ca?o limon-covenas line blamed on leftist rebels since late february. the rebels commonly target infrastructure in their decades-long conflict with the government.

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发表于 2012-1-10 10:35  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

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this new look — complete with a six-pack — he attributes to his next film, om shanti om. a film where he says he plays "a young, brash, cool, dude-y superstar, the kind of man who has long hair and rides a harley or a ferrari".


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