标题: sacs louis vuitton san diego ocean globe - trave
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发表于 2012-1-6 12:07  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 
sacs louis vuitton san diego ocean globe - trave

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Rank: 4

UID 18342
精华 0
积分 102
帖子 90
威望 102
艺术币 194
阅读权限 20
注册 2011-12-8
状态 离线
发表于 2012-1-8 03:37  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

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as of november 15, i work area to achieve continuous safety 1780 days; work throughout the year for a total of 50 votes, of which the first work sheet 24, including the infrastructure unit 8; second work sheet 26. work sheet 100% pass rate, performance is better. work area under the jurisdiction of the year a total of 0 times the number of line trip, line trip rate of 0 / (100 km-year).

Rank: 5Rank: 5

UID 18141
精华 0
积分 153
帖子 133
威望 153
艺术币 288
阅读权限 30
注册 2011-11-28
状态 离线
发表于 2012-1-8 15:24  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

Ten Considerations Before You Buy A Bird House

ten considerations before you buy a bird house
when you decide to buy one bird house or more -- be aware that there are many designs being sold that are unsuitable for the birds. these houses may not attract any birds or the types of birds you wish,moncler, or they may actually be harmful.
many are very cute and look like little decorated houses. there is nothing wrong with these,ralph lauren, but they are usually more appropriate as indoor decoration than as good safe homes for wild birds.
below is a checklist of the ten most important features of a good working bird house. before you put a house out for wild birds,polo ralph lauren, be sure it has these ten features. if it is decorative and still has these features,louboutin, then it is fine to put it out.the ten things:1. no perchtree holes in the wild have no perches,burberry, so the birds that use nest boxes do not need them. they can be a disadvantage in that they may attract house sparrows,louboutin, an invasive species that often takes over nests from our native hole-nesting birds.2. diameter of entrance holemost of our common hole-nesting birds can use an entrance hole 1-1/2 inches in diameter. this size also keeps out starlings, another invasive species that takes over nest boxes from native species.3. inside flooring dimensionsthe inside dimensions of the box are important and should be at least 4 inches by 4 inches so that there is room for the young to develop.4. overall height of housethe distance from the bottom of the entrance hole to the floor of the box should be at least 5 inches. this keeps the developing young well down in the box and away from predators that might approach the entrance hole.5. easy access for cleaningyou must be able to open the box, either on the side,piumini moncler, front,burberry pas cher, or top. this helps in two ways: to monitor the progress and health of the young; and to clean out the box at the end of the season.6. ventilationthere must be holes or slits at the top of the box sides or along the top of the front of the box to let hot air out when the sun beats down on the box in summer.7. drain holesthe bottom of the box needs to have holes or cut off corners to allow any water to drain out of the box.8. mountingcheck to see if there is some way that you can attach the box to a pole,louboutin pas cher, such as holes or a bracket.9. wood material of choicebe sure that the materials the box is made of are 3/4 inch thick wood or a similar material that will insulate the birds from cold and heat. the only exception to wood is purple martin housing -- many are made out of metal.10. roof overhangthe roof should overhang the entrance hole by 1 to 2 inches. this both shades the entrance hole and keeps the rain out.courtesy:
cedar creek woodshopcome visit cedar creek woodshop for all your bird house needs,moncler sito ufficiale!!

   staff reporter published
   although not essential

new york / beijing - china has "little choice" but to continue buying us treasury bonds in the short term despite the potential risk of washington defaulting on its obligations to foreign bondholders, analysts said on tuesday.


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