标题: asics 66 6 -year-old freshman boy to save the drowning death of children ( Figur
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发表于 2011-12-8 19:14  资料  个人空间  短消息  加为好友 
asics 66 6 -year-old freshman boy to save the drowning death of children ( Figur

now network news due to save a drowning 6-year-old boy li jian, wuhan polytechnic university freshman was slew has devoted his life only 21 years age recently,moncler baby, li jian, the communist youth league hubei provincial posthumous yesterday, wuhan polytechnic university held  
to retention folk involved among the overflow

li jian namely the institute of electrical plus information engineering,asics 66, wuhan,asics gel kinsei 2 shoes small group of courageous, a freshman. july 23 by 2 pm,asics trail shoes, the creek water surrounded dawu liu jizhen she river village mart lijiawa river, lee, liu jizhen 6-year-old chap deliberately stumble splashing among the creek the creek swept away along violent at this point, the bath namely jian creek rushed, hurried call as assistance and apt arrest up among the past. when jian arrest up apt the front of the pit by hand apt seize the drowning infant deliberately fell into deep water shique.  
swimming among deep pools, etc.three li xian jian listened the cry for assistance immediately afterward the emancipate of the boys. when li xian to retention apt the creek coast we found the jian creek has vanished
the afternoon, the festival secretary and syndic yan liu jizhen lofty book after hearing the 1st period apt mobilize on-site quest at the same phase telegraphed dawu burn the local police station apt the scene to liberate,girl riding back and forth every day to take care of sick parents, 30 km,merely the water also fast to not advantage until at 11:30 on the 25th, wuhan, a pounce team 4 12:50,meantime li jian was salvaged, the scene of hundreds of males plus women a whimper.  
he was the only boy

a small adobe cottage,never a chaste family utensils 24 at wuhan polytechnic university has sent two express sympathy condolences to li jian liu jizhen dawu family
has been sad plus crying,asics tiger shoes old woman suffering from heart disease to save money doing odd,ugg button boots,mute
thick description shao jian's father, li jiayu has three daughters plus a son, li jian, ranked third,moncler coats sale, four children are perusing at household on the college although for a rural family's only son, li jian has never the slightest spoiled.  
into the accustomed of helping others

li jian is recognized as a agreeable student in the department.  
sometimes the access he teaches is even simpler than the educator plus soon people longing be competent apt comprehend permission
absence roommate.  
students to construct online commemoration auditorium

auditorium filled with friends on-line greetings plus appreciation.  
li jian, the students theoretical that he fell into the water children save lives,brave actions of devotion, the spontaneously fertile aboard the network established with commemoration candles, incense, flowers, jiu, with virtual expression their emotions. currently, the digit of online path to nearly hall of 10,000, the total number of over 700 people to adore.

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注册 2011-11-12
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发表于 2011-12-9 12:59  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

  本报讯(记者侯莎莎)近日,在英菲尼迪车祸事件中失去丈夫和一个女儿的王辉,来到电视台录制节目,用一首《珍重》回馈那些给了她面对生活勇气的好心人。据了解,为了治伤,doudoune moncler,王辉家已经举债上百万元。

视频:长安街车祸英菲尼迪驾驶人被认定负全责 来源:北京电视台《北京您早》


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  但出现在观众面前的王辉仍然面带笑容,感谢所有帮助过她的好心人。面对特地又来看她的歌星韦唯,polo ralph lauren,她说:“是你的歌声陪伴我战胜了死亡。”王辉告诉记者,doudoune moncler,在别人都离开病房后,来看望她的韦唯悄悄在她枕下塞了1万元钱和一个mp3,mp3里有韦唯自己的40多首歌曲,moncler,正是那些歌以及所有关心她的好心人的鼓励,陪伴她度过了最难过的夜晚。

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   zhang did not get off
   that day changed the life of a small rui

  xinmou act the effects of damage on the death of zhou at fault , there is also the fault of xu 's behavior , so the court made ??the ruling.

Rank: 2

UID 18327
精华 0
积分 53
帖子 33
威望 53
艺术币 96
阅读权限 20
注册 2011-12-7
状态 离线
发表于 2011-12-9 23:11  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 



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   of course

judge michael pastor told the court that while murray was legally eligible for probation, he did not think his actions showed he was suitable.
he said the evidence in the case showed a "continuous pattern of lies and deceit" by the disgraced physician.
the legal teams will return in january 2012 to discuss the prosecution's request for murray to pay restitution to jackson's family.
while the prosecution successfully argued for the maximum term, murray's lawyers asked that he be kept on probation, saying he is serving "a lifetime sentence of self-punishment".


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