标题: 男子自拍爱情告白短片影院播放求婚(图)
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发表于 2011-11-13 07:57  资料  个人空间  短消息  加为好友 

全场人都知道唯独她认不得 深情相拥 记者 周明佳 摄
深情相拥 记者 周明佳 摄



  当晚6点 这时影院里已坐满了亲朋好友,而7点15分才放映影片。担心女友起疑泄露计划,周子晨甚至连电影票都特制了两张。放映厅的牌子上写着《魂断蓝桥》的放映信息。

  7点20分左右 周子晨带着女周妍卉走进影厅。周妍卉还问起男友为什么放《魂断蓝桥》,周子晨以单位包场为由骗过女友。

  影片放映半小时 周子晨借口上厕所离开了,画面突然转成了周子晨的求婚短片。随后,周子晨拿出鲜花和戒指单膝跪地向女友现场求婚。“你愿意嫁给我吗?”周妍卉在众人的尖叫声中害羞地轻声答应。

  等待了那么久,期待了那么久,在场的人们可没那么容易放过这两位幸福的人,在他们的强烈要求下,周子晨轻吻了女友周妍卉。周妍卉在后来接受记者采访时说:“我当时脑子一片空白,感觉像做梦一样,moncler homme,直到他单膝跪地时我才反应过来。真的太让我感动了。”周子晨告诉记者,moncler veste,他是在一次和朋友吃饭的时候认识的周妍卉。当时就一见钟情,两个星期后他就向周妍卉表白,moncler doudoune,一个月后他们就买了家具决定结婚。但他一直想给女友一个特别的求婚仪式,就谋划了此次“骗局”。这样一场浪漫的求婚和在场如此认识不认识的人的祝福,moncler femme,相信它不仅是特别的,而且更让周妍卉难忘和感动,moncler。幸福的两位表示,将会在明年4月份结婚。现在还在忙着联系酒店和挑选房子。


  首席记者 马军艳(春城晚报)<

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发表于 2011-11-17 13:42  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

当等待成为一种习惯,我才发现,爱,终究经不起等待! 我们的故事没有完美的结局,一切好象是命中注定,注定相识,相知,却不会在一起.或许在过去的不经意间,abercrombie and fitch,我已伤了你的心,消磨了你的耐性,在爱与不爱的迷途中,我不再是我,你不再是你.曾经许下的诺言终究经不去时间的考验,以往的海誓山盟早已化做过眼云烟,而我却天真地以为,这个世界上还有真爱. 我的梦里依然会有你的出现,只是你已远离我的视线,christian louboutin,我不再是你在乎的女孩,或许时间真的改变了一个人,你的身边早已有新的女孩出现,我却一直在等待中期望着真爱.我以为真正的在乎一个人是不会改变,我以为我会一直在你心上,却不曾想其实你早已被我的无言所伤,我的沉默在你看来是一种漠然,doudoune moncler,我的无语在你看来是一种冷淡,为何你不想想我早就接受你的情感,是你太不了解女孩,abercrombie,没有走到尽头就放弃了永远. 我告诉自己要将你忘记,却无法摧残记忆,abercrombie and fitch paris,即使时光荏苒,我对你却不能忘怀,louboutin,是你把我带进了爱的世界,franklin marshall,却让我独自离开,感情是忠于自己的,abercrombie france,不是说放开就放开,直到现在才明白,我还学不会放开. 是你让我变的坚强,abercrombie,没有你的日子我一直都很坚强,坚强的不再打开情感的窗......可能是造化弄人,也可能是我太天真,到头来才发现,爱,abercrombie paris,终究是经不起等待的.Related articles:

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fish tried to jump out the water, jump to its dream of sky; birds constantly rushed off, to feel close to the water. Fish jumped again and again, but always in the tail has not left the sea to fall heavily, and once fell to the shore, is the high tide the water saved it; birds close to the sea again, but always in just hug sea ??water, they were delaying the wet feathers, it's friends to help it escape from danger time and time again.
fish do not want to give up, because it was blue sky and calling it; birds are reluctant to give up, because it felt the sea is its true home. Thus, fish and birds kept trying to close, but they are close to the dream in the process, closer to death.

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发表于 2011-11-18 06:56  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

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After reading several different reviews of the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program and going over the actual site itself, we've formed our own opinion about it all. Since the actual product shows you how to do calorie shifting, many people feel they can skip the information and just go do it on their own. As good as that sounds, it's simply not the case and we're about to tell you why.
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Seriously, can you imagine having an entirely different body eleven days from now? We are not just talking about inches off the waist or a smile on your face the next time you step on the scale. This innovation has actually been around for quite some time and needless to say it has been successful the entire time. What the Fat Loss 4 Idiots does differently is generate specific meals that make it happen faster.
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发表于 2011-11-19 04:08  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

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"It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I have decided to end my six-year marriage to Ashton. As a woman, a mother and a wife there are certain values and vows that I hold sacred, and it is in this spirit that I have chosen to move forward with my life. This is a trying time for me and my family, and so I would ask for the same compassion and privacy that you would give to anyone going through a similar situation," she said in her statement to the AP


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